
Well Known Member
Ordered a set of fine wire plugs at OSH and received 5 plugs from Aircraft Spruce. They back ordered the rest until November? :eek:

Another RV 10 driver buddy needed to replace his mechanical fuel pump and he ordered a Tempest pump, but they too were out of stock with no delivery date.

I know Tempest bought out Unisom spark plug division, Rockford, IL. and moved it south. You think they would have been up and running by now!

Anyone have any ideas why? I always like a good conspiracy theory. ;)
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Same thing happened with Kelly oil filters - Hartzell bought them. I orderd a four-pack of108-1's from ACS a month before Oshkosh - just got notice that they had been shipped (finally)! the other day. I guess the ownership change disrupted production....
Procurement, Inventory Control, Production Engineering, and Quality Control was what I did in my other life decades ago. Unbelieveable to me that the very foreseeable production disruption was not accounted for before they moved the plant. Very sad to see. Very telling about today's production management styles. When marketing and egos control inventory and production decisions ( moving the production plant) sales and profits are the first casualties, jobs are next.

Obviously, I do not know the whole story, but I have seen these results many times. When inexperienced "management" makes supply decisions look out! These types of production supply disruptions can be disastrous to profitablity, customer confidence, careers, and company future viability.

How many customers will wait 6 months to buy a set of spark plugs?

I decided last night to buy the new 6 cylinder E-mag and use auto plugs. See ya Tempest! ;)
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'Just in time' manufacturing has taken over only it can't be done in time. Take the order, use customers money to order materials, dedicate time on the production floor, hire some 'temps', fabricate parts, ship out to customer.
Oh Gee...

Sounds like more of the what I like to call, " The MBA Influence" over good sound customer service. Idiots! Just my $.02.:D