
Well Known Member
I had a new Lyc fuel pump on my engine from a recent overhaul. I am still at the 90% done 90% to go stage and I gave the pump to a stranded RV friend because that's what RVers do.

Should I ask him for another Lyc pump or a Tempest pump or are they the same thing? Any difference is quality? Price? Mine had an L on the top of the casting but that doesn't mean it didn't come out of a Tempest factory (if there is such a thing). Any advice appreciated.


I was just talking to that guy you gave your fuel pump to. Very nice of you. He is a great guy!

Anyways... I just installed a high pressure Tempest (injected) pump (unlike yours) as a replacement for my original Lycoming.

I have yet to flight test it, but my pressure has increased from 25 to 29psi and the quality of the Tempest appears to be good!

I wouldn't hesitate to buy the Tempest if I were you.

Maybe I will come up and visit you sometime? I have another friend in the area also. Feel free to stop by here and say hello also!

:) CJ
Likely the same pump, but only Lyc knows for sure.

According (unofficially) to a tech at Tempest, the newer pumps have E-gas - proof soft parts, if you think mogas might be in your future.

I had a new Lyc fuel pump on my engine ...

.... I gave the pump to a stranded RV friend because that's what RVers do.

That would be me. Scott, I can't express my gratitude enough. We were running several options none worked out. Then my buddy decided to ask you and that was a right call. Brand new fuel pump just magically appeared on our hangar dinner table . I am good for another 4K hours pumping whatever fuel I get in the tanks. :D

What brand you want Scott let me know you will get it asap.

That would be me. Scott, I can't express my gratitude enough. We were running several options none worked out. Then my buddy decided to ask you and that was a right call. Brand new fuel pump just magically appeared on our hangar dinner table . I am good for another 4K hours pumping whatever fuel I get in the tanks. :D

What brand you want Scott let me know you will get it asap.


Hi Vlad it was my pleasure and it was really interesting to talk to somebody from a very different background than mine and to hear of your adventures. As for the pump, nobody has told me that there is any difference so I don't think it matters as long as it is compatible with an O320 E2D.

Next time you come I should be able to light up my panel and show you all the cool bells and whistles.

