
I know not all temperature issues are the same, but wanted to share a fix that we recently found for the higher than normal CHT and EGT temps and recently with the change out to a more efficient prop we were also seeing oil temps touching the yellow on climb outs on a warm day from our 3200' agl field elevation airport where we operate out of. After the usual checks and fixes of baffle rubber and sealing any possible air leaks, I happened on a youtube video by Al at AntiSplat Aero. I called him the next day, and this guy is a wealth of information of things RV related as he flys an RV9A himself and uses it for much of his testing he really understands the issues surrounding the RV aircraft I found. At any rate he has a new product that he is calling the EZ COOL FLAP its an electrically operated air gate that is installed on the bottom of your cowling and during taxi and takeoff you open these gates (1) or (2) of them, we elected to go with two to make sure we get maximum air flow, and then when at altitude flip the switch and close the gates, they work great and our heating problems all seem to be a thing of the past, I would recommend anyone seeing higher temps than you like to call Al at Antisplat, or visit the web site http://antisplataero.com/Menu.html and just see what he has. He has several other products as well but this one I can tell you really works, and it was a very easy install. The one thing I would like to see on them is a heavier duty tefcel type wire, the wire on the electrical acctuator, while it maybe heavy enough for the current load is very light duty just from a mechanical strength standpoint, so I replace it with tefcel but that is the only complaint or suggestion I would make other than that the product works great and Al is more than willing to help with suggestions and information. Great guy, great product.
ASA is well known here

I have most ASA products on the 7A, we put one flap in this winter and it helped, will probably add the 2nd one at next CI. Ditto on the wire being weak. Also picked up the gust lock, very cool contraption!