Mike S

Senior Curmudgeon
Just took a look at the member list, sorted by posts.

A new king has arisen!!!!

George has fallen to second position:eek:

Might be time to give Paul an award????

Or, just take away his keyboard:D

And my wife thinks I spend too much time on this thing.
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George, are you gonna take that??

I don't know about posts, but George has gotta be the all time world champion if we're counting words. C'mon George, get typing. We all love the great info.
I Beg Forgiveness!

I humbly beseech King George to forgive this indiscretion my part....I guess I simply forgot to count, and if you take away all the times I have posted the trivial "Have you tried searching the archives for your answer?" I would be nowhere near his lofty count.....;):D
And of late it has been the kinder gentler George with lots of content and lots of quality.
And of late it has been the kinder gentler George with lots of content and lots of quality.

I agree, and if he were to break his posts up into the average length for everyone else, he'd have about ten times as many!:D
Seriously, keep up the good work George, and Paul!
....you take away all the times I have posted the trivial "Have you tried searching the archives for your answer?" I would be nowhere near his lofty count.....;):D

But, you would have to add in the times you have assisted me in my posts. That would bring your count back up again. ;)