
Well Known Member
G'day folks,

The Tehachapi Society of Pilots (TSP) is holding a fly-in in conjunction with a Young Eagles event on Saturday the 9th of September. YE flights will be from 0800 - 1100. We will be serving up Burgers and Dogs from 1100 - 1400. Our local astronaut, Mike Melvill is going to give a talk from 1200 - 1300 on all the aircraft that he got to fly while working for Scaled Composites, including Space Ship One. This is a super presentation and a great opportunity to meet someone that has flown some really neat aircraft, including an original Sopwith Camel. We will have officers of the TSP on hand to sign off your Aircraft Display Day tax forms if that is applicable for the aircraft you fly in.

We are going to use the center ramp area near the fuel pit for transient aircraft. Aircraft flying in that are Vintage or that the owners want to display will be parked on the East Ramp in front of the airport park so they can be easily viewed by folks.


The main reasons for the event are to expose the local youth to aviation through Young Eagles flights and get families out to the airport so they can better appreciate the wonderful asset that it is for the community. We also use the day to raise money for scholarships that the TSP awards each year. Last year we provided $5000 for academic scholarships for local high school students going on to study aviation or engineering related courses. We also provided $5000 for a flying scholarship that resulted in one of our locals achieving their private pilot rating. A chance to fly, view neat aircraft, eat healthy food and hear a great talk are all good reasons as well.

Weather this time of year is pretty darn good in Tehachapi and we are trying to get the city to give us a discount on gas for the day. We would love to see you there. Any questions please feel free to contact me via email nigelspeedy at Hotmail dot com. Please put TSP in the subject line.

Here are our last scholarship winners.




CA property tax

If you own a vintage or unique aircraft you can apply for an exemption to the CA property tax as long as you display your aircraft 12 times per year.



Just a reminder about the Tehachapi Fly In this coming Saturday. Would love to see folks make it up to our humble airport for a few hours. We are doing Young Eagles flights in the morning till around 11 am then a BBQ. We have the East ramp area for vintage, unique and nice aircraft that owners would like to display. Mike Melvill is going to be doing a great presentation on the aircraft he got to fly over the years while he worked at Scaled Composites. Mike's talk will start at 2pm. We are also going to have a couple of simulators set up for the youngsters and some silent auction items to raise some funds for scholarships.

Weather looks pretty good so it should be a nice flying day. For those flying in be aware that our neighbors at L94 (2 miles to the SE) are going to be doing a lot of glider flying. Most of the gliders and tow aircraft do not have transponders so you won't see them on ADS-B, you will have to see and avoid the old fashioned way. Best bet is to fly into the valley over highway 58 and keep your pattern close in to KTSP. Be aware that runway 29 is left traffic and runway 11 is right traffic (i.e. all patterns are on the south side of the runway).

Hope to see you there.

