
Well Known Member
I got the below email today regarding shortages of teflon and tezfel wire. I am not sure how bad an issue this is, but if I needed wire for a project I would think about buying it now. I have not been following prices. Has anybody noticed aircraft wire prices going up faster than usual?

Problematic PTFE Production Putting Purchasers in Painful Predicaments

Three major North American manufacturers of Teflon and Tefzel and the largest Teflon factory have informed us that they are SOLD OUT for 2019 and into 2020. Another major supplier of material has stated that any product containing Teflon will have a 60+ week lead time, while others have completely maxed out their capacity for the year.

More specifically, M22759/16 and M22759/18 have already been sold out in many places for 2019, and E, EE 1180, 1199 are coming close to a six month lead time across the industry.

Being the World?s Largest Distributor of Teflon wire and cable products, our number one concern is honoring the customers we have promised material to and delivering when they need it. That's why we need to partner closely with you to ensure you get the Teflon product you need without shutting down your lines for weeks on end.

Allied has been very proactive working with all Teflon vendors to help mitigate price increases and shortages, as well as to get record amounts of Teflon on order. Thanks to this approach, Allied has DOUBLED its inventory of Teflon products and now has more than the rest of the industry combined!
To navigate the Teflon shortage with no disruption to your supply chain, we recommend you schedule your orders and communicate any additional demand you anticipate for these products as early as possible.
We experienced this in late 2018 after placing a big order and our supplier was unable to fill most of it. Still ongoing and we had to switch suppliers. Critical for us. If we can't get wire, we're out of business and we buy many thousands of feet of Tefzel in a year. Had me worried for a bit.