
Legacy Member
Just a heads up for anyone who receives Portland TV. Portland KATU news (local channel 2) is supposed to be running a special news feature about Teen Flight (www.teenflight.com) on Friday June 11. The story and interviews were done by local TV weather guy and pilot Dave Salesky.
I do not know what time it will run. Should be at least one but maybe all of the Friday evening news programs (5, 6, and 11 PM ?)
If anyone outside the Portland area is interested in viewing the story it can be found at http://www.katu.com/news/specialreports/96199419.html

I am a little hesitant to post this because of the way the story was done and some of the inaccuracy's (I did not not do the work to acquire the funding for the program, etc.).
Also, I do not consider my self a hero in the sense of who a hero really is. I am just a guy who is interested in providing a positive aviation experience to some teenagers. There is also a lot of other people that have been essential in making this program successful to this point.
None the less, it is nice to see something positive in the news, and even better that it is something positive about aviation. I am thankful for the positive exposure it will provide for the Teen Flight program. I hope people will fwd the link and spread the word about Teen Flight so that in the future maybe we will have a bunch of Teen Flight programs happening all over the world.


Wonderful news story, great image build for "Experimental", and fantastic experience for some great kids..............Thanks to you and Van's.....

Frank @ 1L8 ...RV7A... Flying and Tracking
Good, positive story

Hope many watch the very good, positive coverage, by the local TV station. Good job Scott !

John Bender