
Well Known Member
On Saturday, student members of the Teen Flight 4 class in the Portland, Oregon area met for their regular weekend session at KHIO, Hillsboro, OR. This class of young men and women has been working on the fourth RV-12 being built by the program, which is part of the Airway Science for Kids organization.

This weekend was a rather momentous one, as TF4's Rotax engine was started for the first time. Mr. Jerry Van Grunsven, one of our mentors, did the honors with one of the students, Matt, in the cockpit to help. Afterward, all the students who were in attendance posed for a quick photo to commemorate the occasion.

Click on the photo to view a video of the first engine start:

The TF4 class started work on this aircraft in January, 2015 so it's been about 18 months so far. The class is in the middle of the production acceptance procedures and hopes to finish the airplane in time for it to head to Oshkosh. We will see if that works out timing-wise, but regardless the class has accomplished a lot and it's been fun to watch each participant grow and learn!