
Well Known Member
I'm renewing the insurance on my RV-9A and looking at the "Technologically Advanced Aircraft" discount they offer. My agent is digging into this as well....

Does anyone have experience with this discount and have used their Garmin 496/696 to qualify as the Terrain and Weather portion of their requirements?

Again, my agent is looking into this from his side but thought maybe someone has been down this road already.

AIG Aviation Technologically Advanced Aircraft Credit Requirements
? Aircraft requirements
1. IFR-certified GPS
2. Moving map display
3. 2-axis autopilot
plus, two of the following systems installed on-board and operational
o Terrain awareness equipment such as TAWS, GPWS, or EGPWS
o Traffic avoidance (TCAS)
o Weather monitoring equipment such as stormscope, datalink, or radar.
o Advanced fuel management system such as a Fuel Totalizer
o RNP capability

? Pilot requirements
1. Private or more advanced pilot certificate with an instrument rating
2. Completion of an IPC (Instrument Proficiency Check) as described by part 61.57(d) of the Federal Aviation Regulations within the previous twelve (12) months and annually thereafter in the make and model aircraft to be operated.
3. Attend/complete 1 of 5 ASF Courses in the preceding 12 calendar months related to:
o Single Pilot IFR
o Datalink
o Thunderstorms
o Runway Safety
Matthew, I have not seen this before.

Which insurance company is offering this discount?

The first aircraft requirement takes you out of the game - the 496 is not IFR certified for aircraft use, though I believe the 696 would qualify. You would need a panel-mount GPS like a 430/530. Other than that - yes.
The first aircraft requirement takes you out of the game - the 496 is not IFR certified for aircraft use, though I believe the 696 would qualify. You would need a panel-mount GPS like a 430/530. Other than that - yes.
Although I could surely be wrong on this, I recall reading something about the 696 not being IFR certified either.
I don't think he is asking about the 496 (or 696) for the IFR GPS portion of the requirement, but the Terrain and data-link weather monitoring portion. Yes, the 496 should meet this requirement.
It depends on how strict your interpretation of "TAWS, GPWS, or EGPWS" is... technically, no handheld GPS will provide those features. The 496 and similar products have terrain awareness capabilities, and they work well, but they are not certified TAWS/GPWS/EGPWS systems.

Just saying.

It depends on how strict your interpretation of "TAWS, GPWS, or EGPWS" is... technically, no handheld GPS will provide those features. The 496 and similar products have terrain awareness capabilities, and they work well, but they are not certified TAWS/GPWS/EGPWS systems.

Just saying.


True - but you only need 2 of the bottom 5 items on the aircraft requirements. XM weather and a fuel totalizer will get you there, if you have a panel-mount certified IFR GPS.

So I guess the question then becomes - is the 696 IFR certified?
I have an IFR-approved panel mount GPS, I just need to satisfy the requirements for "2 of the 5 following".... I think the weather on the 496 would certainly qualify... but the terrain portion could be a little gray. I don't currently have a fuel totalizer but something to consider if they don't buy off on the 496.

I'm not sure about what the discount level is.... I'll ask....
They do say "terrain awareness"..... which clearly the 496 does have... and they state it "... such as TAWS..." so they don't specifically state it has to be TAWS/GPWS/EGPWS or certified....

We'll see what Dana finds out...

It depends on how strict your interpretation of "TAWS, GPWS, or EGPWS" is... technically, no handheld GPS will provide those features. The 496 and similar products have terrain awareness capabilities, and they work well, but they are not certified TAWS/GPWS/EGPWS systems.

Just saying.

Discount was quoted to me as 10% last spring when I got insurance on my RV-10. Also note that you need an IPC in the insured make/model aircraft.
