Dave S

Well Known Member
I have arranged with a local expert to come help me 'get started'. Well I got antsy and started with out them. I started with he HS, and have stopped where I have a question, and so now I moved on to the VS. I see some folks have recommended to start here anyway.

Thus far I haven't done anything I do not think is reversible or fixable, but before I get to far ahead of my self, at which point do I need to have tech counselors take a look?

I assume before I start riveting skins on would be a good start, but besides if I have question should I have a tech counselor look before then?


RV-7 in progress
I don?t think you technically need a tech counselor for anything but if your new to building it?s a good idea.

I hope I?m right, as my builds never seen a counselor :eek:
If you have build related questions, please ask them here, or PM/email me or any other experienced builder. I have done numerous tech counselor visits. Advice is free. Go slowly, be methodical, look ahead in the plans, and use the search function on VAF or google it and you'll find that most of the questions you have will have already been answered. There is a constant learning curve, but it isn't too steep or impossible. My best advice is to take lots of photos, and be able to share them here.

I built my RV without ever seeing a Tech Counselor, and now I am one!
What Bruce said - and set up a good system of documenting your progress, and update after each work session. Its amazing how fast the human mind can forget the details! 😁
If you have build related questions, please ask them here, or PM/email me or any other experienced builder. I have done numerous tech counselor visits. Advice is free. Go slowly, be methodical, look ahead in the plans, and use the search function on VAF or google it and you'll find that most of the questions you have will have already been answered. There is a constant learning curve, but it isn't too steep or impossible. My best advice is to take lots of photos, and be able to share them here.

I built my RV without ever seeing a Tech Counselor, and now I am one!

Your plane is going to fall out of the sky! :D

I'm a Tech counselor. You are correct, there is no requirement for a TC visit. With that said there are plenty of reasons to have them, especially if you are a novice builder.

Some insurance companies used to provide discounts, but I think that practice may have stopped.

Some FSDO and DARs like to see the reports. There is no requirement, it just gives them a more comfortable feeling that you are doing the appropriate due diligence during your build.

The reverse is also true. There are good and bad Tech Counselors. Ask around. The locals are sure to provide feedback.

If they are available, I would also recommend alternating visits with different counselors.

I assume before I start riveting skins on would be a good start, but besides if I have question should I have a tech counselor look before then?

There is no set schedule. Early tail assembly is a good time for a skills check, before moving into expensive parts. Most builders should schedule an inspection after installation of engine, avionics and wiring.

TCs come in all varieties, including terrible. If you're not satisfied, find another.

You can get almost any question answered here (learn how to post pictures). However, a key reason for personal visits is inspection...spotting things you didn't realize were a problem.


TC consult


Sent you a pm.

Just started a new-build kit, a TC consult seems like a good idea, and I saw this post...