I'm working on my empennage kit and I've completed the VS, and about to close up the HS and rudder. At what point would an inspection be reasonable by a tech counselor and does anyone have a recommendation for a counselor in the central Dallas, TX area?

Thanks to all who contribute to this site and to Doug and the others for making it a success.
This would be a good time to have a visit-----

You are just at the beginning of the learning curve, and should there be any problems this is a good time to find, and correct them.
I'm working on my empennage kit and I've completed the VS, and about to close up the HS and rudder.

This is a great time to tap into the local resources. Your local EAA chapter should have either a local Tech Counselor or they can guide you to another local chapter that can help.

RVs are becoming a self-supporting community, with a strong, deep, and knowledgeable base of builders and pilots to draw from. Although I did have a tech counselor look at my work early in my build, I eventually used a couple of local RV builders to act as my Tech Counselors. They weren't "official" Tech Counselors on the EAA books, but they've driven enough rivets and countersunk enough aluminum to know when I was screwing something up!

As a side benefit, by getting to know the local RV flyers/builders, I was much more prepared as I moved my completed plane into my hangar. Local guys helped with final assembly and pre-inspection squawks. They were also there to fly chase plane on my first flight.

If you haven't tapped into the local RV community yet, you're leaving an important tool unused!:D
Shoot me an email with your location and info, if you're not to far away I would be happy to stop by and have a look.
Thanks everyone, I appreciate the sound advice and as usual, it all seems to be right on. I will give you a call tomorrow Walt - thanks again.