
Unrepentant fanboy
I'm looking for a tech counselor in/around West Texas (I'm in Midland) to take a look at my tail so far before I start closing up the elevators. I've got a couple "interesting" spots in my HS and one on the rudder I'd like to have a second opinion on, and just an overall workmanship opinion. My local EAA guys don't return phone calls and the last meeting they had scheduled (the first time I was supposed to meet them) was moved and they didn't tell me.
I know that Rick Liles in Lubbock is a Tech Counselor, and a very good one. Rick has an engine shop and has built up several engines for folks in the Lubbock and Abilene area. I think he has family in Midland and comes down from time to time. He is on the RV list so you could send him a private message if you would like to contact him.

I am one of the TC's for the Abilene Chapter, and would be glad to come out if you can't get in touch with Rick or he is not available.

Surely there is one in the Midland/Odessa area that could help you out.
That, or even another experienced builder just to lay another set of eyeballs on my work and give me a thumbs up or down. I think my work is good enough, but then I'm biased! :D