
Well Known Member
Is there an experienced Lycoming engine mechanic in Arizona who is willing to help me with a project? The ideal person is one who has a great deal of engine tear down reassembly experience. The airplane is outside of Phoenix.

I have a IO-540 that has been leaking from the case seam and the front seal. It still leaks with oil breather open and compression test is excellent.

The engine has low time however it has not been flown regularly for a number of years so it is most prudent to tear it down, inspect, and reassemble. I can imagine that there are some lurking issues inside like corrosion on cam or something. Additionally it has had some low oil pressure concerns at idle when warm however the oil pressure differential test from the back oil pressure port to the front oil pressure port shows only a 3 PSI drop when the engine is warmed up so it seems that the bearings are all tight.

At this point it is best to tear down and inspect...

I have a great deal of automotive experience and my neighbor is an automotive engine builder so I am not intimidated with the least the disassembly part...

So the plan is to remove, disassemble, and inspect the engine parts and then at that point decide of if it needs more than just a gasket replacement...kind of the same theme of a prop strike inspection and go from there.

I have the following:
-Lycoming Service Bulletin 240W
-Lycoming Overhaul Manual
-Lycoming Parts Catalog
-Lycoming Service Table and Torque Values
-Sky Ranch Engine Manual

What are the special tools required for this project? I most likely can find an engine column from someone in the community.

How can I obtain the comprehensive list of service bulletins on this engine?

What advice/ gotchas/ concerns/ experience/ etc can you all share?

Is there a reputable shop in AZ that I can take it too...I really want to learn about the engine build process so I would like to get help/ instruction as opposed to dropping it off and picking it up eight weeks later...

Does anyone in Phoenix area have an engine column that I can rent/borrow/steal???

It is the device that you mount to the crankshaft propeller flange and then stand the engine vertical (helicopter like) and work on it.