
I'm New Here
I have recently taken a job with Northrop Grumman and will be in Sierra Vista for a month. Any RV activity nearby? I would like to help someone building or maintaining. Can't let those building skills get rusty.
Sierra Vista

When are you going to be in SV? I have a friend building an RV -8 and I have the tail for an RV-9 that I will be starting later this summer. I am in Iraq and will be back in town after 10 May.

[email protected]
Lots of building and flying going on in Tucson

Sierra Vista is about 1 hour SE of Tucson. There are a number of builders and flyer's in the area. A flock go for the $100 breakfast on Saturdays occasionally.
Speaking of Tucson

I am volunteering my building help to anyone that needs it in the Tucson area. I have dimpled, countersunk, and deburred; I don't know how to rivet...yet. PM me if you need some help.

Pmerems, your web site is spikes a malware warning on my internet browser, just letting you know.