Now this sounds interesting. They just have to get a couple flying and keep the price within reason. The only thing I see in North America with diesels is that many smaller airports don't have Jet fuel. Is this different in Europe or are people going to haul their own diesel out to their aircraft. Just curious.
Most of us go out of our way for cheap gas already, so I would think that if flying with a diesel, going out of your way for JetA wouldn't be a problem either.
Would be nice to see an engine, or even a machined part, rather than a pastel colored solid works rendering.

Anyone started working on the venting requirements for using this fuel in our gas tanks?
Kissin' cousins......

Jet A is no problem. I used #1 Kerosene for several thousand hours in PT6 powered Air Tractors and still would if the jobber would sell it to me. In fact, it has a lower sulphur content than Jet A which makes your CT wheel much happier (Compressor turbine). Kero is a very close kissin' cousin to Jet A. The main difference is that I add Prist which prevents bacterial/fungal growth in the fuel since it is so hygroscopic (holds water in suspenion). A gallon or so of avgas does the same thing with occasional use. Incidentally, you can run it on avgas but it makes less power.

I just bought half a semi load this week and it was $2.65 with all taxes. In 2000 I was paying 95 cents for Kerosene!!! If miss Piggy weren't such a hog at 47 gallons/hour all day long, I wouldn't shop around so much. :)
Jconard said:
Would be nice to see an engine, or even a machined part, rather than a pastel colored solid works rendering.

Based on how other companies have introduced "new" engines, the fact that all they have is an artists rendering means that IF it is EVER produced, the earliest we'll see one made out of metal instead of ink and paper will be about 12 years.

Nobody hold their breath on this one. ;)