
Well Known Member
Hi All,

TCW Technologies, LLC. in conjunction with Stein Air Inc. have teamed up again to bring you another great promotion: Super Buck-a-Builder (same thing we did over a year ago). The "Super Buck-a-Builder" promotion helps to make TCW products more affordable by offering up to $50 off every qualifying product. The more you buy the more you save!

Here?s how it works:

Every builder that signs up for the promotion increases the group discount by $1. ($50 max)
If you order one product, for example Safety-Trim you save up to $50.
If you order two products, for example an Intelligent Power Stabilizer and a SmartStart kit you save up to $100
If you order three products, you save up to $150

Qualifying products are: Safety-Trim, Intelligent Flap Controller, Intelligent Lighting Controller, Intelligent Power Stabilizer, Universal Switch Airspeed kit, SmartStart kit.

This special will run until through Oshkosh and the following week. Please indicate your desire to participate by August 10th. To make it easier this year, TCW has created a sign up form which we'd like you to fill out if you want to participate. Also replying to this thread will give us an idea of how many people participate, therefore how much the discount on each item will end up being.

The link to fill out is:

Thanks and have a great week. See you all at OSH!


TCW Technologies has a wide variety of electronic control products for the experimental aircraft market. Starting with Safety-Trim two years ago, TCW Technologies has grown to provide many new products that enhance the safety and performance of your aircraft. From flap control, lighting control, starter control and airspeed based switching to power stabilizers TCW Technologies continues to innovate and enhance the flying and building experience.
I have the Safety Trim, Intelligent Flap Controller, and speed switch in my -8 and think they are both great devices. Customer service from TCW (and Stein too!) is excellent.
TCW Products

For those that are unfamilar with our products, please visit our web site at: for all the details. We welcome your calls, emails or PM.

For those going to Oshkosh we are in Hangar D, booth 4095, come see working demos of all of our products.

Bob Newman
TCW Technologies, LLC

[email protected]
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Sign me up for the TCW Group Buy

Pls sign me up for the group buy. I want the Trim, Flap, Power Stab and Smart Start.

Don Stiver
Sign me up for the TCW Group Buy

Pls sign me up for the group buy. I want the Trim, Flap, Power Stab and Smart Start.

Don Stiver
Quick question on the flap controller. When it says that a position sensor isn't required, is it referring to a sensor telling the EFIS the flap position or the device that preselects the flap position?
Flap controller

Our flap controller is not a positioning controller, i.e. it does not step the flaps down through a series of positions. Therefore, it does not need a position feedback sensor. It is more of a manual controller in that you hold the flaps down switch to lower as much flap as you'd like. It supports pilot and co-pilot flap switches and takes care of the conflict if one flap switch is left in the up position. It also provides Vfe protection by ensuring the flaps cannot be deployed above a set airspeed.

Bob Newman
TCW Technologies, LLC.
I'm down for at least the trim controller, but I haven't researched it enough to know which one to order (RV-10). I do plan on dual stick trim controls, probably infinity.
TCW Group Buy Update

Fellow Builders:

We had a great time at Oshkosh! We met many wonderful people and thoroughly enjoyed being involved in such a remarkable aviation event.

We would like to thank all those who took time to visit us at our booth and try out our products.

The group buy now has 15 participants signed up for the promotion.

We look forward to an increasing number of builders signing up so that we can achieve the full $50 discount on each product ordered. The promotion ends on August 10th.

Again, many thanks to all that have supported and encouraged us over the past two years. Safe Flying to All.

Best regards,
Bob Newman
TCW Technologies, LLC.
Just a quick FYI to everyone, the promotion/sign up for the group buy ends on the which point we'll know the final pricing on everything and begin processing orders.

TCW group buy

So here's the results. We had 15 builders sign up for the promotion. They ordered a total of 25 different products. So we said what the heck, let's raise the discount to $25. Stein and crew are contacting everyone that filled out a form on our web site and they are receiving $25 off each qualifying TCW product.

Thanks to everyone that took the time to visit us at Oshkosh and a big thanks to all of our new customers.

Best regards,

Bob Newman
TCW Technologies, LLC.