Well Known Member
I have an Infinity stick grip with a momentary flap-down switch; and a continuous flap-up switch. I also have the TCW Flap controller which advertises that it is compatible with the Vans flap motor and the Infinity continuous switch in that it will allow the flap motor to run for 12 seconds then shut off. The TCW controller I have actually allows the motor to run for 19.5 seconds and the flap retraction time is around 8+ seconds. The 10+ seconds of the flap motor running against the stop is a concern to me. I don’t know the mechanical characteristics of the flap motor. At first blush you’d think that the gears are grinding away as the flap motor labors against the stop.

I am switching to the momentary up and down switch but I'd like your comments on the issue: real or no.

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Just flip the switch back off after the flaps are retracted? In any case, I believe that the flap motor will be freewheeling rather than grinding.

I put an up limit cutoff switch on my flaps.
Have infinity grips.
Momentary down.
Flip up for up.
Limit is on bar on flap motor with adjustments.
I think I bought it at McMasters or something like
Had a roller on one end.

Works great.
Response from TCW

Don, Thanks for the questions. The Van's flap actuator is quite unique, the rack and pinon mechanism is ment to be driven to it full mechanical limits, effectively the pinon gear drives off the end of the rack when the actuator reach full travel. I believe Van's did this so the actuator is basically full proof in terms of achieving it's travel limits. Running it to the end of travel presents no ill effects, you are not grinding the gears. We do have the time on the flap controller set just a bit long to ensure that under all conditions your flaps can reach full travel. Although we could reduce the time limit ( and would be happy to do so for free) I don't think it really helps in any regard.

Also the use of a momentary UP switch or not I think is a very personal prefernce kind of thing. Whatever you are more comfortable with I think is best. I know I like my RV-10 and Glastar with the maintained UP switch action.