
Well Known Member
I'm building my duel G3X panel. Received my TCW back-up battery. After unpacking I ended up with two quick questions.


The package tells me I need to go to page 5 of the instructions if the battery isn't placed into service by Nov. Hopping it will be in service this time next year not in two weeks. As I read it Page 5 talks about recharging a fully installed battery. Also the instructions talk to storage beyond 3 mo. to charge with a regulated charger @ o.1 amp. no got. Can I temporarily connect pin 2 through a 2 amp breaker to the installed battery/master and ground via pin 3? I think this looks like the trickle charge for the unit.


Install instructions say don't mount under the instrument panel. So where did my fellow RV builders mount the TCW IBBS-12v-4ah?
I just mounted mine tonight, behind the instrument panel, towards the firewall against the center rib.
I mounted mine behind the G3X MFD. against the sub panel. I put the GADHARS behind the 3rd G3X on the far right side installed on two rails that run from the IP to the sub panel. I will search for photos to post.

As to your question on charging the battery, I have no idea.

I will be mounting mine later this week. Before I do so, i will charge it just like you said.

As far as installation location is concerned, I think they mean just don't bury it under a bunch of stuff. You will need to replace the battery sometime!

My two!

:cool: CJ

Thanks to all of you. Went ahead an put it on the left stringer behind the bulkhead. Will charge up soon.

Thanks again