
Well Known Member
Ok, Boys and Girls, two weeks to go! A fun race, a great b-b-q after, camraderie, lots of yakkin', what more could you want?

Seriously, looking at the entries,

we are missing a few people here...

Where is AJ, with his beautiful cowl, and high speeds that he posts?
Where is Mike Stewart, with the Super 8 that "cruises at speeds other 8s only dream of"?
Where is Dick Martin, who signs every post "the fast one"?
How about Tracy Saylor and Dave Anders?
Where is Rich Jankowski and Ricardo Salinas?

How about you up and coming fast guys...where are you guys with the IO-390 up front? Why are there only two Rockets?

Come on people, it is springtime. Dust her off and lets go!!
The latest message from the Chairman

You are right John. Good clean fun is hard to find these days but this is it. The latest message from the Chairman is copied below. It promisses to be a fun event. I thought Duncan Sutherland's SX-300 entry would spur the SX-300 owners from Spruce Creek but so far none of them have popped up on the list. I made sure that Keith Phillips (SX-300) and and Sam Hoskins (Q-200) were aware of the race. I'll bet that RV-8 of yours is fairly well pulsing with energy to stomp my little Bluebird but we will be there enjoying every minute of it as if we were leading the pack.

Bob Axsom

The Taylor 100 is just two weeks away!

At present there are 26 aircraft signed up - to be led off by Duncan
Sutherland who will fling his SX300 around the course at 300 MPH.
Greg Nelson is bringing Scott Seabourn along from California as the Rocket
contengent. Greg, you may recall, flew to First Overall in the Rocket 100
last year - but he'll have some stiff competition in this race. James
Redmon (Berkut 360), Larry Henney (Lancair 360), and the Hammer brothers
(Glasair TDs) aren't going to let anyone just walk away with anything, I

Race Preparation proceeds madly. Timing will be done exclusively by Collins
GPS Timers at start, mid-course and finish. Each time will be used to
update a website where the final calculations will be done. If all goes to
plan, you will know your speed and place (so far) when you land. If not,
you'll be forced to wolf down a hambuger and wait for the results, while
grading the landings of your competitors...

Life could be worse.

Coincidently we expect 26 people at the Friday (18th) night Meet and Greet.
One of the racers coming in Saturday morning asked, "Save some BS for me"...
I'm sure there'll be plenty to go around!

Wanted to mention that we have a donor for end-of-year trophies, so if you
plan to aggressively work the point system this year, you WILL take home
some hardware for your efforts.

We are planning to have the Mayor of Taylor starting the race - Mark
Frederick (Race 158!) will babysit and manage the start, but the Mayor will
wave the flag. Please don't hit him.

I have received approval from the Airport Manager for you to pitch a tent on
the infield if you prefer. Don't know how reservations at the the motel
across the street are holding up, but this might be a cheep alternative - if
you like plane camping, that is.

While we have a head, we can't offer showers.

Hotel Tango 74 is open.

- Mike Thompson, Race 26!
New entry just posted in the RV-Red class

There is a new entry in the RV-Red Class, Race #66. I went to the member's list at but could not find an RV with Race #66 so I wonder if anyone here knows who the new competitor is. Checking the list of all the entries builds the anticipation.

Does anyone know who the new entry is?

Bob Axsom
Nuisance said:
Ok, Boys and Girls, two weeks to go! A fun race, a great b-b-q after, camraderie, lots of yakkin', what more could you want?

Seriously, looking at the entries,

we are missing a few people here...

Where is AJ, with his beautiful cowl, and high speeds that he posts?
Where is Mike Stewart, with the Super 8 that "cruises at speeds other 8s only dream of"?
Where is Dick Martin, who signs every post "the fast one"?
How about Tracy Saylor and Dave Anders?
Where is Rich Jankowski and Ricardo Salinas?

How about you up and coming fast guys...where are you guys with the IO-390 up front? Why are there only two Rockets?

Come on people, it is springtime. Dust her off and lets go!!

Hi John and others, if I'm free that weekend I will attend my first race with everyone. I've never done any of this racing around a course thing and I'll be a newby so I have plenty to learn from the pros. It sounds like a lot of fun and it would be a good chance to spend some time with a great group of pilots.
That's excellent AJ....I am looking forward to meeting you and checking out your airplane!

It is a great bunch of people, and you will have a blast.

Put the numbers on today

I put the numbers on today - it doesn't go any faster but it looks ready to race. I'll see you all at Taylor Friday and Saturday.

Bob Axsom, Race #71

Nuisance said:
That's excellent AJ....I am looking forward to meeting you and checking out your airplane!

It is a great bunch of people, and you will have a blast.


Dang the luck everyone,,,,,,,This weekend I'm tied up with other you know whats and will not be able to make the TX race :eek: :eek: There will be another day and time. I'd really like to meet up with everyone and go have some good flying fun. I just wanted to let everyone know that I will not be attending. :mad: AJ

PS: Hey John, If your on your way back to Colorado from the TX race, give me a buzz and stop in at Beaver, OK (K44) on your way back as it's on your flight plan and we'll take my RV and yours up for some testing and good fun if your interested. AJ
Well, I'm sorry you can't make it AJ. We will be returning via Midland, TX to visit my wife's family so we can't make OK.

IF we make it that is...wx is looking a little dicey for getting there.

OTH, we are only about 300 nm apart...maybe we can meet up one day and play with the airplanes. Also, I hope you are considering the AirVenture Cup race...the daddy of them all.

I second That!

Alan if you can possibly make it to AirVenture Cup and I believe you need to get your entry in very soon (I think it is the end of may) you should do it. Even in a modest performing airplane it is an event like no other. It goes beyond the race itself. The people in Dayton really go all out to make you welcome (as opposed to Oshkosh where the officials have no clue that a race even took place with some of the best of the best performing airplanes). Dinner at the Dayton Engineering Club where Orville Wright was a member and often dined, or the U.S. Air Force Museum, and tours of the Aviation Hall of Fame are some of the highlights. The race itself is very normal cross country flight with two easy turns at airports and not at all demanding. There are towers along the route that you have to pay attention to if you fly at minimum altitude and with normal RV fuel capacity you have to watch the fuel burn to cover the distance which is a little over 400 nautical miles. The airplanes the pilots & crews and the officials and the race flight burn images into your mind for life. Hope to see you there. Check for entry requirements.

Bob Axsom