
Well Known Member
I have made a targa for my tip up canopy but would like to know how others have installed theirs. What type of adhesive to use and how many of the bolts to incorporate in the install. It is a fiberglass piece that I and a good friend laid up in place and it fits great. I had thought I would use every fourth bolt after using an adhesive. Just looking to see how others have done it. Thanks.
I did not use screws and just expoxied it on...only to have it start to come off at both sides. I have since added a screw on both sides and it seems to be holding.

If I was starting from new, I would run every other canopy screw through the targa... that way there is really very little chance of it ever pulling loose.

Good luck,
I didnt use bolts at all. I layed up the glass over waxed packing tape so that I could remove it. I then roughed up the plexi and installed using sikaflex. I have complete confidence its not going anywhere.
Epoxy does not stick on plastic/plexiglas!


This was mentioned a few times already, also that people lost there targa-stripe. Maybe you can find some info with the search function.

You can scuff plexiglas as rough as you like, but epoxy does not stick to it!

When you make your targa-stripe, lay a few (3-6) layers of tape onto the area where it later will be mounted. Only at the tipper part, not on the rear window (or there just 1-2 to give a bit of play). This to simulate a film of Sikaflex when glueing it on.

Glue your targa-stip with Sikaflex, follow strictly the Sika recommended cleaner/primer buildup. It will never come loose.

If you want to epoxy it on, it is possible, use the Sika recommended cleaner/primer application, then instead of sikaflex, you can use epoxy. It will stick to the primer.
I did not use screws and just expoxied it on...only to have it start to come off at both sides. I have since added a screw on both sides and it seems to be holding.

If I was starting from new, I would run every other canopy screw through the targa... that way there is really very little chance of it ever pulling loose.

Good luck,

I did that too.

If you drill but don't countersink the through-the-targa holes, and install the canopy with the other half of the screws, when you mold the strip in place the hole locations will show in the fiberglass.

Gives you accurate hole locations in the targa strip easily.
I put tape over the canopy and formed the strip. I then used a good urethane adhesive to attach it. I then put four rivets in to be sure. Not really much harder than forming in place and much less likely to depart unexpectedly