
Well Known Member
Hi everyone,
I am working on my RV-7 tip-up canopy. I used some bad tape to protect the exposed plexiglass where the factory plastic was removed.
When I removed the tape it leaves some sticky residue (glue) and I'm not sure of the best method to remove it.
I've read some threads on the subject but most are for cleaning the canopy, not for removing tape residue.
I have also read the Vans hints on canopy and what they recommend, but finding the correct products in France isn't easy.
First I'll try with some soap and water, but I'd like to hear from others who had the same issue.
Thank you.
A couple of things I would do is firstly inspect the tape residue for anything that could scratch the canopy and, secondly flush the canopy off with plenty of clean water before removing the tape residue. I mainly use plexus to clean my glider canopy. Hope this helps.
Try soaking the old tape with Isopropyl Alcohol. It won't harm the Plexiglas.

WD-40 might work, but if your plane is not yet painted, check with your paint shop first - they hate the stuff...

Worked perfect on my plexiglass windshield.
I've yet to find a better tape residue removed than Diesel Fuel / Kerosene / Home Heating Fuel. The residue dissolves almost immediately, with no side effects to the plexiglass.
Try soaking the old tape with Isopropyl Alcohol. It won't harm the Plexiglas.

WD-40 might work, but if your plane is not yet painted, check with your paint shop first - they hate the stuff...

Yes, but don't use it on your wingtip lenses!

Iso Alcohol WILL melt it!

...ask me how I know!

;) CJ
Yes, but don't use it on your wingtip lenses!

Iso Alcohol WILL melt it!

...ask me how I know!

;) CJ

This came from the makers of Plexiglas...


It may be difficult to remove dried masking paper from Plexiglas® sheet that has been exposed outdoors or has been stored for long periods of time, particularly under conditions of heat or high humidity. When the sheet is to be thermoformed and the masking paper is only moderately tight, flash heating the sheet for 60 seconds at 360ºF will loosen the paper enough for easy stripping in most cases.
In more stubborn cases, we recommend a solution called "Cyclone" sold by Duron Company, Philadelphia, PA. In order to remove "baked on" masking paper from Plexiglas, we suggest using "Cyclone" full strength. However, "Cyclone" can be diluted by adding water (25% water - 75% Cyclone) for less extreme cases. Thoroughly soak the masking paper with the solution and allow 10 minutes for it to penetrate the masking paper adhesive or until the masking paper adhesive softens and can be peeled away.
For more difficult masking removal make a scraper using Plexiglas only. Using Plexiglas as a scraper will do little harm to the surface being scraped. However, make sure that all surfaces being scraped are kept dirt-free. Small areas of adhesive residue are removed by using isopropyl alcohol and "Cyclone" mixed on a soft cloth. Then wash with water.
"Cyclone" is a highly concentrated degreasing and cleaning agent. In addition to the supplier's instructions, use impermeable gloves, avoid skin contact and use adequate ventilation. "Cyclone" should be available through any Duron store.
It is a non-combustible solution and should be used whenever possible where masking paper removal is a problem.

Only use the solutions that are listed below as a last resort if "Cyclone" is not available.
1. Kerosene - Ultrasene (Highly Refined Only)
2. Turpentine - Steam Distilled Only
3. Hexane - use only "iso-hexanes" which contain minimal amounts of "normal" isomer.

Because of crazing, toxicity, flammability, etc., we recommend extreme caution when using the above solvents. Obtain safety and use information from the suppliers. Follow instructions carefully.

Source of Supply for "Cyclone"

Duron Company
5000 Ridge Avenue
Philadelphia, PA 19128
...finding the correct products in France isn't easy.

dear Alain, don't forget we live in the old , very old continent, that is the problem.:(
all the time we looking for something, we slam the face .
Last experience was about the Oil pressure switch for activating Hour Meter and light SPDT PRES-15 SW.... after lot of source .... I bought it from Vans.
Our Europe RV value is 3x or more.

..... for your question: Kerosene is the answer , I used it with good results :):)

Thank you

Thanks a lot for all the replies.
I tried with dishwashing soap and water, no luck.
Then I went to the local drugstore and bought what ic called "essence C" in French.
No idea what it is called in English.
It's a kind of fuel, similar to kerosene, used to remove grease, stains, etc.
I tried on a piece that I cut while trimming the canopy and nothing bad happened. So I'll use that tomorrow to remove the tape residue.
Use Mineral Sprits then alcohol

Use Mineral Sprits then alcohol, or straight alcohol not the rubbing water diluted kind you buy in the drug store. Get 99% Isopropyl Alcohol: Disinfects surfaces. Use in labs, schools or clinics.

99% Isopropyl Alcohol: Disinfects surfaces. Use in labs, schools or clinics.
some feedback...

This would be valid mostly for people in Europe as I'm using products found in France!
I cut a few pieces of plexi in the scap left from trimming the canopy.
One of the pieces was used as the reference and did not get any product on it.
I put 1 piece in "essence c", 1 in "essence f" and 1 in regular unleaded automotive fuel (sp95).
NO difference in the way each looks, same transparency, same aspect.
Then I tried to bend all pieces to breaking point to see if there was a difference,
the one in unleaded fuel broke early, I guess because of the ethanol contained in the fuel,
I could not see any difference in the way the reference piece and the 2 pieces with essence C and F broke, all bended about the same before breaking.
Essence F is less concentrated so I'll be using it to remove the tape residue on my canopy.
After a little checking.... Essence C and F are apparently EU equivalents to Coleman stove fuel (naptha)