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Well Known Member
Any chance Tapatalk could be considered for the site? Most of the boards I frequent use it which allows me wonderful mobile browsing on my phone.

From what I understand, it is a free download for the sys admin here to make it "live."

Any chance VAF could look into it?


I use Tapatalk more than the browser to read over at the purple board... Would be wonderful to be able to use it here too. The iPhone version is great... (The blackberry version is somewhat usable-ish.) You can also attach pics from your phone camera to a post via Tapatalk.

BUT...well, you lose the rest of VAF including the ads that help pay for the place when you do that. Although I don't imagine anyone will only read via phone, either...

vBulletin also has their own "vBulletin Mobile Suite" which does allow ads in the app, and also would allow VAF to have it's own branded "VAF Reader" app for both iPhone and Android. :)

Never used it, but looks interesting. Personally I'm still fond of later vB 3.x from an admin perspective.
I would love to add my vote for this. Tapatalk doesn't require more than a few minutes to set up (just have to register the board) and is free for forum owners. Its such a convienent way to surf the forums when we are on the go, and I know most of you all are!


Ps. as attractive as the vb mobile suite is, it does cost money and requires some additional setup, but it looks like there are enough of us to sponsor that feature directly.
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+1 Here

I would like to request it as well and maybe they could ask for a little larger of a donation to the forums to offset the costs of ad-less environment on an iphone. It currently makes it hard to read on a mobile device when you have to zoom, scroll, next page, zoom, scroll, back to previous page, zoom, scroll, etc.

I love these forums so it is worth it but would love for it to be easier!

We all promise to visit on the regular site many times a day too. That'll keep the page counts high for your advertisers. In fact--I can't even take my cell phone to work so I have to visit the regular site!
I'll re-awaken this. Would be nice.

[ed. TT won't let me embed ads.....and those ads you see here help pay my mortgage and feed my family ;^). v/r,dr]
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TT won't let me embed ads.....and those ads, and the wonderful advertisers behind them, help me keep the VAF lights on, and pay my mortgage and feed my family ;^).

If you'd like to email me privately about TT, please do. I'm going to go ahead and close this now so we can get back to RVs.

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