
Well Known Member
Ok, tank is mounted. Problem is the fit between the LE and the fuel tank. I have read other posts about shimming the LE skin to bring it level with the tank skin... but mine is vise versa... the tank skin (when screwed in) has a nasty looking lump in it. Not sure how this was caused. WHen the screws come out, the lump goes away... this was the best I could do with a pic... Kinda hard to see... My only thought was to shim the tank skin? Make a shim plate with dimpled screw holes to level it out?

Thanks in advance...


Are you sure there is not some proseal between the splice strip and the tank? I had one very small lump of proseal which caused similar, trimmed it off and solved most of the problem. The rest came out with playing around with the sequence I tightened the screws. When I was done the seams are perfectly flush. Good luck! It's a real pain to come off and on with the tank to correct, but it will be worth it, because every time you walk by the plane from now on...... it's the first thing you will see, even if no one else would even notice it.;)
what was the winning trick to get the tank to fit?...just wondering as I am months behind you in the wings.
If you're speaking of a

"pillowing" effect between the mounting screws, you can use a shrinker to make them lay down. I can't tell much from the picture so I'm not sure if this is the problem you're describing. I had to shrink my tank skins to make them match up with the adjacent skins.