I'm New Here
I'm building and 8A I'm having difficulty with the skin to rib connection, IE the gap created by the dimples not messing. Has anyone else encountered this? Any helph here is greatly appreciated. Regards Tom Webber
Tom, Avery sells some dimple dies specifically for the tanks. They make a better dimple that accomodates the proseal. Wish I knew about this before I built my tanks. Many of my rivets are going to need a little "dressing up."

RV8Squaz said:
Tom, Avery sells some dimple dies specifically for the tanks. They make a better dimple that accomodates the proseal. Wish I knew about this before I built my tanks. Many of my rivets are going to need a little "dressing up."


Cleveland Aircraft Tools makes them also.

RV8A444DW said:
I'm building and 8A I'm having difficulty with the skin to rib connection, IE the gap created by the dimples not messing.

Tom, you might want to read this thread. http://www.vansairforce.com/community/showthread.php?t=4875&highlight=tanks I'm building a -8 and had all kinds of hole alignment/meshing issues on my tanks. When my ribs were clecoed I noticed little bumps on the leading edge. I ended up doing what Capt John did his ribs. No bumps, no hole alignment/meshing issues. Problems solved.