
Well Known Member
The shop at my flight school is in the process of reworking an old RV-4 for a customer who bought it. Looking the airplane over I noticed that the fuel tanks do not have the slot in the attach bracket that was called for at some point in Van's history. The plans that came with the plane do not show the slot. My late 90's vintage RV-6 plans do have it, so it was some time before then, at least on the -6.

I can't find any RV-4 service bulletin or plans revision on Van's website which details this. Can anyone point me in the right direction?
I did this recently on an older build. The detail is on a newer set of plans that I have. Shoot me a pm with your email and I will send you photos of the plans detail and my installation.
The suggestion to add a slot in the fuselage/fuel tank bracket first appeared in 1998. See images below. My RV6 plans did not have the slot. Apparently after 1998 they did.


It is my understanding that the slot was added to the bracket to allow the tank to separate intact from the fuselage in the event of a crash. I did the mod on my early RV-6.
Jeff (op), email sent with photos of the detail in my plans set. The change was made in March 1998. Feel free to post any of the photos I sent you on this forum for future users.