
Active Member
So I was trying to do a dry Tank Assembly tonight to make sure everything would fit up once I started applying the ProSeal and I am having the hardest time trying to get all the Ribs in place while trying to cleco. The aft holes in the ribs and tank skins line up perfect it?s when you start working your way down toward the leading edge where things start getting hard to fit. I made sure that all my ribs had right angle flanges and flutes where needed to make flat. Is there a trick to assembling the tanks? Is there a certain order items are assembled to make everything line up and fit.
Try leading edge first then aft. I also believe I played around with order - inboard to outboard, or vv. Can't remember exactly, but did have to experiment a bit.
Try starting at the leading edge and work your way back on the ribs. It is pretty hard at first, but after you match drill and dimple things will loosen up a bit when you get to the proseal application.

Seems to work best as Van's instructions say; start at the bottom LE and work back then do the top also from the LE back. I assume you are using an ice pick to assist lining up the holes?
Hey Wilddog, we can use an Ice Pick to line up the holes? I wasn't using one but seems something like an ice pick is needed to get the holes to line up. Let me try an Ice pick maybe that will help. Thanks
Yea, this was a toughie. Lots of good sailor language was used during my build; I knew it can be done because everyone else had done it, and kept trying.

Use your scotchbrite wheel really smooth down the edges of the rib flanges, especially near the tip. All those edges tend to catch when you're pushing on the rib, keeping it from seating properly. I, too, started from the leading edge back.

Keep at it; after an assembly or two, it somehow gets much easier. Once the proseal came out, it went together smoothly.
I just finished my tanks. When I clecod them I started with the upper LE first, then the lower LE, then back from there. Having the skin down in the stand was a problem. so I took a sponge and put it under the LE so that it sat up softly. On every rib the fourth hole from the top LE was the one that just wouldn't line up right. I used a 3/32 punch where needed to get the holes in alignment to take the rivet after the cleco came out.
I just finished my tanks. When I clecod them I started with the upper LE first, then the lower LE, then back from there. Having the skin down in the stand was a problem. so I took a sponge and put it under the LE so that it sat up softly. On every rib the fourth hole from the top LE was the one that just wouldn't line up right. I used a 3/32 punch where needed to get the holes in alignment to take the rivet after the cleco came out.

That is exactly the issues I'm having. The fourth hole from the top LE is not inline with the rest of the holes. I'll try using a punch to help get everything lined up. Glad to know that its not my building skills on why the tanks are not going together easy. Thanks