
Well Known Member
We are making great progress with our first year RV-12 Build!

The kids and the mentors are doing great, really high quality work. We have completed the rudder, the vertical stabilizer, and are working on the stabilator.

We have received and inventoried the Empenage and Fuselage kits, and should have the Wing kit before Thanksgiving break.

The class is setup so that the kids are rotating between the PLTW Aerospace Academics, building the airplane, and interning with local businesses at the KGTU airport. Truly an incredible experience for the kids.

We have had success raising money to pay for the first three kits, but we need to pull the funds together to pay for the finish kit, firewall forward, and avionics kits.

Along those lines, please take a moment and check out the GoFundMe site that we setup.


There is a good writeup with links to the really cool AOPA article on our program and a link to our Facebook page with tons of pictures (one of the students grandparents is a professional photographer!).

If you would like to make a donation on the GoFundMe site it would be greatly appreciated. Even a few dollars, but even if you don't, please take a few minutes to read about the incredible work these kids are doing.

If anyone would like to make a donation and needs it to be tax deductible we can do that as well, please PM me and I'll get you details for that.

Thanks for taking a look!

Just a little bump to coincide with the front page article today.

I just updated our Facebook page with some new exciting news as well.

One of the Aerospace Engineering professors at Texas A&M saw the AOPA article on our program and has invited the entire class to come over and spend the day touring the department! We will be taking all of the kids on Thursday (11/3) to check everything out, including the wind tunnels, and the jet propulsion lab!

Thanks to everyone for checking out our program. It is greatly appreciated!

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I am serving as a lead mentor on this project. The kids (all 24 of them) are great students and are doing a great job.

If you happen to live near a teen project, try to schedule a visit to enjoyed the enthusiasm and rapid skill growth with these kids...
Just an update on Tango Flight.

The kids are making great progress on the plane, and I really believe we are going to get it flying by the time they graduate in May!

We now have a professional media specialist that is working with us. She does incredible work, check out the redesigned web site (she is still making tweaks). It is light years ahead of what we threw together a few months ago!


She also did a really great video of what the kids are doing, and explaining the program. Check this out as well:


We are still raising money, and we do appreciate any contributions that you can make, but more importantly if you would please share the web site and the video with your network of friends and family I would greatly appreciate it!

