
Well Known Member
For any of you that are local (or want to make the trip) to KGTU. Please try to plan to attend:


We ran the engine for the first time yesterday and are on track to do first flight early next week (weather permitting).

We will have the event regardless of weather, and fly the plane at the end of the event only if weather (and having all the test time flown off allows).


This is a momentous occasion, to be sure, but I offer a word of caution.

Please use discretion when inviting a crowd to an EAB's first flight. It's a human factors pitfall: It can distract the test pilot and crew, placing unnecessary pressure on the test pilot to 'get her in the air' on a first flight. If the airplane's not good to go, he/she should NOT get her in the air. It's a test flight, not a christening. A smaller group presents a smaller distraction from the day's mission.

In addition:
- If the airplane doesn't fly for whatever reason, a smaller crowd lessens the level of possible embarrassment among the builders.
- If the airplane launches and something goes wrong (God forbid), you will have pre-positioned quite the emotional group of witnesses.

I'm sure this isn't your first rodeo. Just please be careful. I wish y'all a successful first flight! :cool:


Mel Asbury has set me straight: The first flight for the public will NOT be the actual first flight (I breath easier). Dan, I wish you the very best for a great event! If Walt gets finished with my panel upgrade in time, I'll fly down and join the festivities.
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This is a momentous occasion, to be sure, but I offer a word of caution.

Please use discretion when inviting a crowd to an EAB's first flight. It's a human factors pitfall: It can distract the test pilot and crew, placing unnecessary pressure on the test pilot to 'get her in the air' on a first flight. If the airplane's not good to go, he/she should NOT get her in the air. It's a test flight, not a christening. A smaller group presents a smaller distraction from the day's mission.

In addition:
- If the airplane doesn't fly for whatever reason, a smaller crowd lessens the level of possible embarrassment among the builders.
- If the airplane launches and something goes wrong (God forbid), you will have pre-positioned quite the emotional group of witnesses.

I'm sure this isn't your first rodeo. Just please be careful. I wish y'all a successful first flight! :cool:


Mel Asbury has set me straight: The first flight for the public will NOT be the actual first flight (I breath easier). Dan, I wish you the very best for a great event! If Walt gets finished with my panel upgrade in time, I'll fly down and join the festivities.

All good points, and thanks for pointing them out. We are very fortunate that Mel has agreed to do the inspection and I have a team of mentors with a LOT of experience helping us get ready for Mel, and coordinating the logistics of first flight.

The event next Thursday is purely for PR reasons, and while I hope we can fly the plane, everything has go go just about perfectly between now and then for that to happen. If we just have it as a static display that will be just fine as well.

I hope you can make it down for the event, flight or not it should be a lot of fun.
