Steve Brown

Well Known Member
In my ongoing search for my next airplane, the RV8/RV8A is figuring high due to higher fuel capacity than my current airplane and greater aerodynamic efficiency than the side-by-side alternatives.

I really don't think my wife would have a problem being in the back. Whether I'm up to the tail wheel version is TBD.

What I'm wondering about is carrying kids. My 3 grandchildren range in age from almost 2 to about 4.5. The two older ones like to fly and the oldest has had his first taste of "stick time".

I don't see how I can manage a young child in a tandem aircraft. Something as simple as tightening the belts seems impossible.

Am I missing something?

For the mission you described, you already have the best plane. Enjoy it!...and them!
Two Votes!

For the mission you described, you already have the best plane. Enjoy it!...and them!

The logistics of kids involves everything from wiping a nose, helping with the headset, to holding the "sack" on those bumpy days! Also, it would really be a bummer if one of the little ones decided to use the stick to push up for a better view while in back! I just don't see why you would want to move to a tandem.
Besides, how many smiles and looks of wonder would you miss? My nephew took his first ride at the ripe age of 2, with my dad in his C-150. After that it was heck trying to explain to him why we could not fly every time he came to visit. It was always so cool to sneak a peek to the right just after breaking ground to see his huge smile. Can't do that when they are tucked away in the back.
I am sure that there are plenty of folks who have put kids in the back seat, and it has worked out just fine. However, you already have the -9A, so stay with it and enjoy!
I once saw a video (youtube? or airshowbuzz?... i forget where) of a kid about 10 years old in the jumpseat of a P-51D Mustang.................

....And he was playing on a portable Playstation game. It must be easy for kids to get bored in the back....
Greater Aerodynamic Efficiency?

I think there has been some discussion on this with the conclusion that side by sides and tandems vary little in aerodynamic efficiency.
As far as tandem and kids, I used to take mine all the time in my tandem L3. I even double buckled a few times when they where small enough. They never messed with the stick or anything else. Short hops however, never anything longer than 30 minutes.
Frankly, while most kids are interested in trying out flying once, many just dont find it to be that much fun. At least that has been my experience with my kids, nieces and nephews. That is one reason I like to fly Young Eagles. They at least get to try it out and hopefully one out of a dozen will find it fun enough to pursue.
I once saw a video (youtube? or airshowbuzz?... i forget where) of a kid about 10 years old in the jumpseat of a P-51D Mustang.................

....And he was playing on a portable Playstation game. It must be easy for kids to get bored in the back....

This is an official thread deviation notice!
I know a guy that has a P-51 and I was down at his hangar to visit a few years ago. He had just pulled the Mustang out to go fly and I was doing my best to look sad and needy. No sale! However, his G/F's kid came through the hangar about that time, and my buddy says " Hey Billy! You want to go for a ride in the Mustang?" This little booger pauses, takes time to consider while he looks at the Mustang and says....."nah, I just got a new video game for the computer". I had to hold on to something so as not to immediately terminate this little mouth breather for being a deficit to the gene pool!!
Several options/thoughts...

1. It's easy enough to make the rear stick removable.

2. By the time you are done building they will be a bit older depending on your building pace....

3. If your wife likes the back of a motorcycle she will be fine in the back of the -8.

I have an RV-8. My son just turned 5 and he's been flying with me for just over a year. He's probably got 50-75 hours in the back seat. He is the best co-pilot and assistant mechanic anyone could ask for! He recently sat in the back for a trip out to San Antonio, 5 hrs out, 4 hrs back, 3.4 hrs on the longest leg. It was 27 deg F when we broke ground From Atlanta at 0700. He is entertained by the sights, his airplane toys, a copy of Sport Aviation (he also likes the magazines you get at the FBO's with all the expensive jets Daddy can't afford), and music from the MP-3 connected through the interphone.

He can tighten his own seat belt, I can pass him food/water pretty easily. He listens and will not touch anything unless he asks. He will occasionally bump the stick accidentally with his feet, but it's a non-issue even on final. He's got a thick booster I made him so he can see outside very well. The problem is with the booster he can see, but can't reach the stick. Without the booster he can reach the stick, but can't see. He is "learning" how to fly though. I know physically challenged pilots can fly, so I thought "why not"...? One day, I took his shoes and socks off and he "flew" the airplane with his bare feet! He could make the RV go up/down, left/right, and hold a level attitude with his feet!

An advantage of having him in the back is I really wouldn't want him in my lap during busy times (IMC on an approach, manuvering a Class B while talking to ATC and Flight watch, #3 in a 4-ship echelon formation, coming up with a game plan prior to executing a divert to an alternate). My son is high energy, very excitable, and asks a lot of good questions, but I don't need the distraction at certain times. I can isolate him on the interphone and pretend he's not there for a few minutes while I get my bearings.

This last year has been an incredible joy I never expected or even thought about when I began building in 1997. The tandem is no problem with most kids.

3. If your wife likes the back of a motorcycle she will be fine in the back of the -8.

My wife and I rode our motorcycles for many years. She never really did like the back seat. She is shorter than me. Our plane is a side by side; and for the company, that's my preference.

L.Adamson --- RV6A