Hello All, First time here, lots of good info! I have admired Vans since I first took a ride in an Rv-6 In 1994! However, Times change, and I have grow! (Both height and girth!) I am considering an Rv-8 purchase, and need input from anyone that has built one! I had the chance to sit in one this past weekend( Hopefully get a flight next week!) and It was a little tight. The rudder pedals were set all the way foward. I would like to know if anyone has setup one to fly solo from the backseat, and what the "Tall pilot" option is all about? The Rv-8 I'm considering is partially built, will this be an issue to modify? I should mention that I'm 6'8" and 260lbs. Thanks, Mike

Welcome to the VAF forum. Try doing a search on "tall pilot" and see what you get.

Also, give Van's a call. A few of their engineers are in the 6'-7" range, IIRC.
Welcome to the group. Since you're in Ohio, you may want to consider coming to visit us (River Rats) at HAO - north side of Cincinnati. There is one 'Tall-Man' RV-8 here at HAO and it's builder is an expert at when it is possible to accomplish this mod. He's built 6 RV's, three of them are RV-8's. In fact I'm pretty sure he's bored right now and could be talked into building your RV-8 for you....

You might want to try the tall man version on for size before making a commitment.

BTW, if you are in the Cincy area and need a hangar, I have a couple for sale - or rent.

You might want to try the tall man version on for size before making a commitment.

BTW, if you are in the Cincy area and need a hangar, I have a couple for sale - or rent.


Thanks Scott, But I am on the other side of the State (East of Cleveland), and that's a little bit of a drive to get to my hangar!lol However, I would like to talk to the "Tall Pilot" and see a "Tall conversion", PM me with details~Mike
Yea - Go Broncos. They lost a few key players from last year, but still have a shot this year. I'm rooting for them...

Land baron?? Not quite. This project, that took a little over 3 years to get going, came to fruition at just about the wrong time. Now I have a row of hangars I'm trying to sell and another couple rows to follow.... Never would have happened at any other time around here since I've been alive. They will sell eventually, but a once hot commodity is not so hot anymore. Good thing is I have my new RV-8 in a brand new shiney hangar with plenty of room - my 'man cave' where I can commiserate with my Rat buddies. I'm not complaining - life could definately be worse... any of you guys heading across country that need shelter for the night give me a call. I have room ? no charge - HAO.

I saw one of your Rockets(radial) at OSH (talked to the guys, who knew you). I wanted an F1 until I looked this over closely.... This will be my next bird, if I ever build another. Awesome airplane....

I am tall and about 200#s. I like the RV8, but dislike the some of the cockpit ergonomics. panel is very close, stick is short and forward names the worst offenders. Less annoying is the gear towers and rudder pedal arrangement.

I used to sell sticks with a 1.5" offset. I quit doing it because it isn't enough offset (my opinion only). I use a 1/2" cushion on my back and only about half the thickness that most people use for the seat. I created a weldment that moves the stick aft 5". For me, this is a huge improvement, but my gut factor is low. I have seen a four bar linkage stick, but this is going to take some real thought and time to accomplish.

The Tall-Man option is a different seat back position which moves your upper torso aft something like 2 or 3 inches. I am not sure if the hinge is intended to also move back (meaning if the bottom of the seat also moves back). However, the 2 or 3 inches would be a big improvement for a taller individual. This is one of those things that I intend to get to. Having somebody make you a stick borders on the trivial...however there may be some trial and error. Magically, the one I made cleared all of the obstacles the first try. Obstacles to clear: seat pan ramp, panel, gut. With a 5" offset the stick can be as long as you desire (within reason) as it won't hit the panel.

Regarding your W&B question. The RV-8 is typically forward CG solo and gets a little pitchy with a big passenger. The small amount aft you will move will do little. For instance, I placed the pilot at 93.78 (2" cg shift) and the overall CG only moved .026" (for my bird). At 94.78" (3" cg shift) the overall only moves .039". The cg range is over 8 inches.

There are tons of W&B spreadsheets out there...here is one http://www.rvwoody.com/FreeDownLoads.html.

I have a new/never used 'tall man' upper front seat back support (cross bar) for an RV8. Came new from Vans with Vans off white powdercoat, I was going to use it for an RV8 I built a few years ago.

It's tucked away in the basement with lots of other RV parts. If someone is interested make an offer :rolleyes:.
I have a new/never used 'tall man' upper front seat back support (cross bar) for an RV8. Came new from Vans with Vans off white powdercoat, I was going to use it for an RV8 I built a few years ago.

It's tucked away in the basement with lots of other RV parts. If someone is interested make an offer :rolleyes:.

Dang it! You Know I'm interested, But I don't have an RV-8 to put it into:eek:!
I am building an 8 in Australia....I am 200cm(6'7") and 110kg(245lb) just working in the QB Fuse now. Bought the 8 because it was advertised as being suitable for very tall people.......
Purchased the so called "tall" option, seat-back weldment, but really not sure if it does enough.... seems to me it only lays the seat back about 1?"-2" - no change to legroom. Have installed a second seat hinge co-located with 805C (approx 1?" rearwards) which hopefully will give me the extra legroom required to be able to function. I will probably have to modify the seat-belt mounts (installed at factory) but nevertheless won't have much freedom to move once onboard.

Will be using IO360M and Hartzell C/S prop. Had hoped that the moving of the seat might assist slightly with CG issues - especially with preference to mount the battery on firewall rather than aft. Maybe not....
Would like to know of other's experience who have been there previously and would appreciate any input..

I would like some info on the offset joystick, if you would be so kind, and also would like to know what you're referring to re- the "4 bar linkage"?
I agree about the panel being a bit close.

Regards to all.
'Tall Man' front seat back support has been SOLD.

Thanks for the inquires!

I have a new/never used 'tall man' upper front seat back support (cross bar) for an RV8. Came new from Vans with Vans off white powdercoat, I was going to use it for an RV8 I built a few years ago.

It's tucked away in the basement with lots of other RV parts. If someone is interested make an offer :rolleyes:.