
I'm 6 ft 4 and could not get my knees under most 7 panels. The almost 14 mod did not help as that just lets one lay back further. Maybe I just have longer legs than normal.

It's been a few years but if memory holds the cushion was built into the frame and was not able to change. Tried 3 7's and could not get comfortable. Maybe for a very short flight worth a try. Headroom was not a problem even with headsets.
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Depends if they have a long torso or long legs. I know a guy that's only 6 2 with a freakishly long torso that claims he can't fit in any Lancair
I'm 6 ft 4 and could not get my knees under most 7 panels. The almost 14 mod did not help as that just lets one lay back further. Maybe I just have longer legs than normal.

I suspect it will be based on panel design. Some builders like to put a sub panel below the stock vans panel making leg room worse, and/or they mount the vents in a place that the knees also want to occupy.

My son flys with me in my 9 all the time (same fuselage) and is 6'6" now, I was 6'4" at one time. We have no issues but I built my plane with taller people in mind.