
Active Member
I was just wondering compared to building and flying how much time is spent just talking about RV’s. Really haven’t spent any time doing the former, but sheesh I’ve logged many enjoyable hours just talking about RV’s. There are just so many facets to the conversation and I've learned so much. Some great talks with Gus at the fly-ins. And, Bob Colin’s barbeque at Oshkosh. Fast friends. That’s why I come here every day. <blush>

Not long ago I met a fellow, maybe 70, working on the finish kit of an RV9…he never learned to fly. He let on he would in time for the first flight, but I think he built that plane for his son who lives on the opposite coast. Let me tell you, I’d be a lucky man to be so determined, and alive ;)

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Simply put, a lot of time. Most likely as you get further along into your RV journey if you decide to build you will become boring to your wife. Your friends will likely admire what your are doing but you will become a bore to them also. People you meet throughout the day, yep, boring to you, and vice versa. Traditional productions plane flyers or renters? Boring. Then you will find yourself gravitating to places like this where other enlightened people will find your ideas and interests fascinating. Your will hang on the word of others and find yourself checking in during the day. So C'mon in, the waters fine. :D :D :D
Not Much RV Conversation

I almost never talk to anyone about RVs unless they ask a specific question but then I don't talk to people a lot.

Don't think that the approximately 70 year old guy you met is not building for himself. It is a common misconception that that 70 is a magic number equated with sitting in a retirement home and stopping all desire for expanding life experience. I must admit when I was at Oshkosh a few years ago I saw Chuck Yeager and Bud Anderson flying P-51s and making flawless landings on runway 18 and I was impressed by these fellows in their early 70s flying so well. Now that I am there myself I realize it is no big deal. The fellow you met is working on his finishing kit already which means he is very far along in his adventure. I'm hoping he does exactly what he says he is going to do.

Bob Axsom
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Very true? I didn?t gather enough to really make that kind of presumption. He?s very aviation savvy, been involved in restoration projects before the RV. And we share that dilemma of building before or during learning to fly. We discussed why the 9 suited that mission. Really, we both had a laugh because it was an obstacle?but nothing worth doing gets done without a leap of faith. We also talked a lot about his son who flew professionally and spent many years working abroad and still lives several thousand miles away. The project?s not his son?s but I imagined that common interest was a powerful thing. That's talking out of school here?but I find my remarks sound disparaging otherwise.

That sounds good

Danny, the description of your talk lifts my spirits. I'm really pulling for the guy - it is such an accomplishment at any age.

Bob Axsom