
Active Member
I guess that I am one of the newest RV9A builders. I ordered my tools and tail kit at Osh on Saturday, July 28. The tools are supposed to arrive tomorrow, and the tail kit was scheduled to ship last Friday.

I'm like a kid a week before Christmas - can't wait to get started. :)
Welcome aboard!
Have you any prior experience at this sort of thing? If not, you may want to do one of the classes first, or Vans airfoil practice kits, or have another builder with you when you get started.
You're probably going to face most of the major emotions during the empanage. Just eat that elephant one bite at a time, and eventually you'll be done.
I'm a year and a half into it and having a great time. I'm in another pause (5 weeks since I turned a lick on it) but still might finish in another 4 years, give or take. Most people will say work on it every day, and I can confirm you get a lot more done when you do that! I can also confirm that when you walk away, when you come back it's right where you left it - no extra work has been done in the meantime...

It is a lot like Christmas. Have fun learning and find a local EAA chapter to join if you haven't already. Feel free to ask for help if you have questions.

I've been working on our 7A for almost two years and it is a challenging and fun project. I'm just now getting to the top skins on the slow build fuselage. Some days will seem like your really making progress and some weeks will feel like you not going anywhere. Like mentioned above "one bite at a time."

Good luck!
It's like Christmas with each kit. Lots of parts to inventory and figure out where they go.

Welcome to the RV family. You won't be disappointed.
Taking the Plunge

I flew into Van's on Friday the 3rd. Took a tour of the factory and a Demo ride in the RV-9A. :D What more can I say :) :) . Walked out with the book of Preview Plans and will order the tail feathers shortly. Let the project begin. I guess the Cherokee will have to go in the next year or 2. Flew into Independence Or. for Lunch and this beauty was setting on the ramp, just out of the paint shop. The owner was very proud of his RV-9 and he should be.


Moose RV-9A
Soon to start.
A couiple of months ago I was the world's newest RV9 builder! Welcome aboard. There are a number of newbies here and some old timers. I just learned my wing kit will arrive at the local shipper Friday, but in order to get a lift gate truck, will have to wait until Tuesday to actually take delivery. Bummer. I am ready to proceed. The true magnitude of the project won't hit until the wing kit arrives, so I am anxious to see how I am going to react to it all.

Anyway, have fun, and I hope we all are amongst those who suceed and actually get this thing built and flown.

I'm right behind you - preview plans ordered and am setting up the shop - but am second guessing the tool kit issue. What did you go with?
The main players


I bought my 9 empennage from someone who decided to back out of building and hadn't started on it yet. He had ordered a new tool kit from Cleveland to start building which I acquired as part of the purchase. Since that time I mostly buy from Avery and Cleveland to get additional tools. The customer service from Avery is exceptional. Cleveland has treated me well. ATS seems to have the best price on the Parker flaring tool but you won't need that until the wings and fuselage.

Good to hear you've jumped in!

Building is almost as much fun as flying.

I hope you enjoy the building as much as I did. My wife thinks I'm going into withdrawal now that the -9 is flying. when you destroy a part, and you will destroy a part every now and then, don't get discorraged. Just order a replacement and keep the old one around. You will be surprised at how handy it is having that extra tank skin, J chanel, aluminum angle, etc., etc., etc. laying around is.

Man, I still need to post a picture of the stack of all my dead parts
Welcome to the builder family!

I just logged my 932nd hour last evening, while I rolled the canoe on the fuselage. I started in March of 06', and work as often as possible. Sometimes you have to remember the family still wants to go places on the weekend. Smile and take them for a ride, the plane will be there the next weekend.

Word of advice for the newbie... take an EAA RV Assembly class. They do a great job of showing you tricks while putting together the Vans practice kit.

Have Fun!

Slow build (except tanks)
I ordered most of my tools from Brown's and Plane Tools. Both were great to deal with and they had my tools to me in 3 days. Plane Tools has more than competitive pricing, especially if you order the DRDT-2 dimpler and pneumatic squeezer. Brown's, though, usually has the best pricing for the souix air drill and rivet gun. But, you can always add to or take away from a tool kit.

Jeff R
great, another 9!

Awesome news! It's always good to hear of -9 starts.... someday soon they'll be lots more flying. I love building and I'm sure you will too. Take your time, prepare mentally that you will make mistakes and have to buy new parts (which is no big deal), and most of all have fun!
Richard (BMQ) said:
I'm right behind you - preview plans ordered and am setting up the shop - but am second guessing the tool kit issue. What did you go with?

I got the kit from Clevland with the options to replace the hand squeezer with a pnuematic one and the c-frame with the DTRT2.
N674P said:
Welcome aboard!
Have you any prior experience at this sort of thing? If not, you may want to do one of the classes first, or Vans airfoil practice kits, or have another builder with you when you get started.
You're probably going to face most of the major emotions during the empanage. Just eat that elephant one bite at a time, and eventually you'll be done.
I'm a year and a half into it and having a great time. I'm in another pause (5 weeks since I turned a lick on it) but still might finish in another 4 years, give or take. Most people will say work on it every day, and I can confirm you get a lot more done when you do that! I can also confirm that when you walk away, when you come back it's right where you left it - no extra work has been done in the meantime...

I have drilled a few holes and squeezed a few rivets on a friend's RV-10, am a member (and officer) of EAA Ch88, and have been meeting with the Air Capitol RVAtors for a couple of years now. I'm sure that I'll have plenty of help and/or (as my wife says) "snupervision"! :D
Order In!

Thanks for the extra push folks! Tools ordered from Aircraft Tools and check sent to Van for RV9 empennage. Now to get the shop in order!
Way to go, Richard. I hope you have fun. I might suggest that if you are very certain that this is what you want to do (given that a lot of builders decide to stop building for whatever reason), to go on and place your order for the wing kit. The lead time for the wing kit is 2 months (plus a good week or two for delivery) and if you proceed at a normal pace, you will be ready for the wing before you finish the tail. I have been suffering withdrawl pains waiting for the wing kit, even though I ordered both at the same time.