Louise Hose

Well Known Member
A spectacularly beautiful day meant that we had to find a destination for a flight today and Paul suggested Mustang Beach in south Texas (offshore from Corpus Christi). As I hadn't been there before (and was only vaguely familiar with the name), I was game. So, after a stop at the one of Paul's favorite haunts (EPO) electronics store) and several impulse purchases, we arrived at the airport. Bear and I piled into the plane with Paul, and off we flew.


Our first stop was Brazoria County, where the fuel is relatively cheap and the Canadian Tutors in the pattern and on the ramp proved an interesting diversion.


Back in the air again, we followed the coast, dodged the border surveillance balloon, and headed to Mustang Beach.


The airport proved a fine place. No one was on duty to greet us and the door was locked. But, a sign on the side door told us to use the CTAF + "*" and the CTAF was in 10" letters on the building. Not hard to figure out! One wonders who these locked doors succeed on keeping out. :rolleyes:


Keeping things simple, we grabbed a few things and walked to the beach less than 1/2 mile away. Some other pilots offered us a ride to a restaurant in town, but we were content to grab sandwiches and sodas at the convenience store across the road and just picnic on the beach.


After an hour or so, we packed up, walked back, and headed home. A very pleasant diversion for a few hours on a lazy Saturday. Like all Gulf Coast beaches in my experience, it isn't the sort of place where I would book a week's vacation. But, it sure beats sitting in Houston for an afternoon! (Or, Paul reminds me, Springfield, Virginia!)

If you would like to see more photos of the trip, check out:
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....and it may not be the white sand beaches of Mexico or the Caribbean, but it beats sitting next to a hole through the ice on a frozen lake in Minnesota...right Alex?!:D:cool:

Just wait...

....'til tomorrow when I post pictures of the beautiful Georgia coast and marshlands that Brian and I plan on visiting this afternoon!!:D

Redneck Riviera

Come on Louise; how can you dis the Redneck Riviera like that! We know it doesn't have the huge crashing waves of the California Coast, but at least you don't have to watch where you step to keep from getting tar on your feet!;)
Just wait

....'til tomorrow when I post pictures of the beautiful Georgia coast and marshlands that Brian and I plan on visiting this afternoon!!:D


In case you didn't know it, the former Richard Sipp home in Eagle Neck is for sale...
What's a CTAF?

No one was on duty to greet us and the door was locked. But, a sign on the side door told us to use the CTAF + "*" and the CTAF was in 10" letters on the building. Not hard to figure out! One wonders who these locked doors succeed on keeping out.

Gotta ask yerself, how many non-pilots know what CTAF means? I've seen similar at other airports too - Tehachapi Muni comes immediately to mind.
Too cool!

Looks like a fun trip. Thanks for the inspiration as I am just coming inside after countersinking firewall parts for the last 2 hrs in my partially heated garage up here in Ohio.

Great pictures, in one of them titled "moving further south" you show Pierce Field a private airfield located outside of Port O'Conner. I own some property there. It is a former US Army Aircorp base used durring WWII for training. Just south of this airfield is another old Army aircorp training field on what is now Matagorda State park.


It would be nice if Texas Parks and Wildlife would alow GA to use this airfield to access this park, like they do Big Bend.

Tail done waiting on excess funds to order the wings.
Hi Louise,
Looks like great pictures from a great trip. I still am amazed at how many adventures you can do in a days flight by RV and still have another day left in the weekend!
Those rear view mirrors on the RV-8 are cool. Got to figure out how to mount some on a RV-4 canopy.
PS Like your tropical shirt!
I resemble that comment about the frozen lake with the hole in it....... heavy sigh

Yeah....I feel I can poke fun because in a former life, I used to cut those holes big enough and go DIVING through them.....:eek:

Sitting on the beach in shorts and a T-shirt on 1 March is much more "civilized"....:D

Anyone with access to the internet? ;)

It think it just keeps honest people, honest, Louise. As you adroitly pointed out, if someone really wants in they'll find a way. I suspect that most non-flyers just don't make the leap of logic from what's painted on the building to the...

Although, it sure seems like there's a wealth of info on the internet to facilitate the trouble makers in our society these days.

My bladder sure appreciates that it can get to a bathroom in short order instead of being locked out. :)

Thanks for the write up and another trip idea. We have a similar beach retreat we like to go to at Oceano State Beach, CA a couple of times a year (usually when it's blazing hot here in the desert). Only trouble with that is occasionally it gets so hot inland that it drags the marine layer over the airport making it less than accessible.
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