Rat Rod Mac

I'm New Here
I have been thinking about manufacturing some rotisseries for the building of RV's. Making them in such away that it can be used for the fuselage and wings. Before proceeding with this idea I thought I would run it past you guys to see if there is enough interest to warrant such an undertaking. Hoping to be able to sell them in the $500 to $550 range. Any and all comments are welcomed. RRM
That's what I did

Got an engine stand at a local tool sale. $39, and 30 minutes to put together. Then I made a wood frame to bolt the firewall to. That took about an hour or two. It ain't pretty, but it works.
jeff was making them

and selling quite a few. for near your price IIRC. that said most people do as mentioned earlier. they will sell but i wouldnt look for a gangbuster run on them.
I dont need one, but if I did, I would not spend that much for it.

I would probably go the Harbor Freight and homemade adapter route.

If I was looking at producing something to sell, I would just make an adapter that utilizes the Harbor Freight stand. Cheaper and simpler to produce, cheaper to ship to customers, and the cost would not intimidate folks too much.

Let them buy the engine stand on their own.
Thanks fellas. That's the info. I was looking for. Might just do that and look into a harbor freight adaptor. Thanks again. RRM
It's not a five hundred dollar problem...

I made a fuselage rotisserie out of 2 x 4s for the firewall and tail stands, a couple of pipe nipples for axles, and some perforated angle for attaching to the firewall. Total materials including glue and screws were under 40 bucks, and it took me less than two hours to build.

I don't think many builders pay $500 for a fabricated one. I also see no advantage to being able to mount the wings on a rotating stand.
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I have some.

I made a fuselage rotisserie out of 2 x 4s for the firewall and tail stands, a couple of pipe nipples for axles, and some perforated angle for attaching to the firewall. Total materials including glue and screws were under 40 bucks, and it took me less than two hours to build.

I don't think many builders pay $500 for a fabricated one. I also see no advantage to being able to mount the wings on a rotating stand.

A friend ( John McMahon ) gave me his set of wing stands that attach on both ends.:)

I did not use these until you get the leading edge on and one side skinned.:rolleyes:

They were helpful, and yes I did use them in different positions, based on what I was doing.:cool: