
I'm New Here
I recently purchased a built RV6 with an O-320, FP prop. Has anyone developed take off performance charts. I am interested for hot, high altitude, summer airports flying. Thanks, Tom
Welcome to VAF!

As for takeoff perf charts, any chart developed for one particular RV-6 is not going to be accurate for another unless it has the same hp, same prop, same weight, etc.

For example, when I changed my prop from a wood fixed pitch Aymar-Demuth prop to a composite Sensenich ground adjustable prop last summer, my takeoff performance improved quite dramatically while top speed remained pretty much the same (which makes sense since top speed is more of a function of horsepower, weight and aerodynamic drag). At hot, high density altitude airports with my old Aymar-Demuth wood prop (last year's trip to Johnson Creek) my takeoff performance was really poor... made me glad I had ten years of flying an underpowered Cherokee 140 experience under my belt. I'm going to repeat the trip in 8 weeks, and I expect the new prop to make it fly like a whole different airplane at high density altitudes :D
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As for takeoff perf charts, any chart developed for one particular RV-6 is not going to be accurate for another unless it has the same hp, same prop, same weight, etc.

While this is true, I think it would be great if the people who have captured that performance data would post it... Complete with their engine, prop, and weight data.

I found a takeoff and climb performance chart for an RV-6 in the standard aircraft list on, and based on my takeoff performance at sea level and cruise performance at 10000' I was able to massage the numbers into something that is pretty close for my RV-6. I don't have the full chart handy but i'll try to remember to come back to the computer tonight and post it.
Welcome to VAF!

Tom, welcome aboard the good ship VAF.

Due to the differences in every RV 6, you really should do your own take off performance testing------------use the numbers others have found as a guideline to get you started, but fine tune things with your own findings.

Good to have you here:D
Taking Rob's idea and mixing in sage advice from Box Axom, if we have a set of test configurations and environments, we make multiple observations, and collate the results, then we would get more useful data.
Configuration-dependent Performance


I will echo the comments of others that caution is warranted if you use source data from anyone else's RV. Actual performance will be effected by weight, configuration, engine, propeller, etc and lots of other etc's.

Collecting and processing field performance data is not hard, and it rather entertaining. I would encourage you to try it.
data collection procedure?

So what is the best reference as to methods for making our own performance charts? A step by step process description geared toward the non engineer would be helpful. Any ideas?
So what is the best reference as to methods for making our own performance charts? A step by step process description geared toward the non engineer would be helpful. Any ideas?

Use the FAA Advisory Circular:

AC 90-89A - Amateur-Built Aircraft & Ultralight Flight Testing Handbook