Rob H

Well Known Member
I'm in section 11 of the tailcone kit. I've mounted the VS assembly to the tail. In the instructions it says "tighten only enough to keep VS from moving. I assume this means that it will need to be taken apart again. I'm just wondering when that step takes place and why? Running control cables? Painting? It's not easy placing bolts and washers in the rudder and HS hinges.
Early on in my 9A build, a fellow builder told me to get used to putting things together, the taking them apart. It was useful advice.
RV9A Bill
Thanks, Bill. I'm assuming the process will need to take place, just wondering when and what kit. Maybe an RV12 builder could answer more specifically.
Without verifying I think I remember that the horizontal and vertical stabs are recommended to come off before the tail cone is connected to the fuselage.

I also remember that at least one person did not follow that advice and all came out fine. Presumably because they had sufficient help at that time.

There are also several, and I am one of them, who did not connect the fuse to tail cone at the time called for in the plans. To each his own as long as the end result is satisfactory.

I will, however, remove the VS and HS prior to the joining of fuse to tail cone without even considering leaving them on because I originally tightened the VS/HS with the intent of removing them, as recommended in the plans.
Invest in some "washer wrenches". They are flat and allow washers or even nuts to be held in place while a bolt is inserted. I'm sure AS or ATS will have them. There will be a lot of putting together and take apart. At least twice for almost everything. Once to ensure fit, match drill if needed, then take apart and debur ..... then final assembly. It's a process.

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I remember the step to fit everything together and then take it apart. It didn't pass my bovine feces test so I waited until the final installation to go through the pain and suffering. After 530 hours I have not fallen out of the sky as a result.😁
I attached the stabilator once and never removed it again. I also attached the tailcone to the fuselage with the stabilator and vertical stabilizer attached AND I did it by myself. It can be done without it being a big deal if you choose.

