check 6

I just bought a pre-built RV 8 and the first upgrade will be a new tailwheel to provide more ground clearance thus the question. I bought a Aviation products unit and they drill a pilot hole in the top which would require me to drill a hole vertically in the tail spring. The other option would be to carefully measure and drill two holes in the side of the tailwheel assembly sleeve and use the existing holes in the Van's tailwheel spring. Who has done which? Since I have not taken the spring off yet is is hollow or a solid spring steel rod? If solid drilling would be an issue and has anyone done it? I was not happy with the only 2 plus inch clearance of the standard tailwheel fork. Comments and or suggestions please as that is my hot project ( hot project and the weather in South Texas are mutually exclusive right now) Thanks Jack
Hi Jack,

I did this a year ago, and it was a pretty simple project. I simply did some careful measurement for the first of the two horizontal holes, and pilot-drilled it with a small bit. I then enlarged the hole gradually until I was up to full size. This allowed me to center things. I did the drilling with the tailwheel slid onto the spring, so the hole in the spring centered the bit when I was getting close to finished. Worked fine, and I didn't have to drill any new holes in the spring. All the work was done on the airplane.

Thanks Paul I want to get this done right away as the low clearance of the stock tailwheel yoke concerns me. Also you never commented on my P concerning my previous life at Patrick AFB supporting the Cape operations. Take care and thanks
You could change to the "Doug Bell" tailwheel, no drilling, Just change the fork. I'm very happy with mine. Gives an extra 2-3 inches of clearance. Just look back in this forum to find info.
The original concern expressed:

I was not happy with the only 2 plus inch clearance of the standard tailwheel fork.

And one of the replies:

You could change to the "Doug Bell" tailwheel, no drilling, Just change the fork. I'm very happy with mine. Gives an extra 2-3 inches of clearance. Just look back in this forum to find info.

I second the recommendation for the Doug Bell tailwheel mod. I have been flying one for a while and it is a very nice piece even though there is a waiting list for delivery.

However, I think the original concern expressed is a little over-stated since there are thousands of the original tailwheel forks in service and damage to the plane due to the old unit seems to be quite rare. I flew the original tailwheel on my RV-6 for over 700 hours and only had a couple of instances where the low clearance caused problems, even on shaggy grass strips (dropped the wheel into a pothole on an old WWII airbase concrete ramp; caused a huge racket as the tailwheel rebounded out of the hole but no damage to the fuse or wheel). The upgraded tailwheel fork certainly looks nicer and provides more clearance than the original, but I don't think the original unit represents a significant flaw.
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