
I'm New Here
Has anyone had any problems dealing with Fullthrottle/Rivethead concepts.

I ordered a tailwheel steering link through his website and paid by Paypal in June this year.
Have heard nothing since.

Does'nt answer my emails, or the phone or messages left on the answering system.

where do I go from here?::confused:
Good luck! I ordered plain canopy handles three months ago and I'm still waiting. His products are very good but his customer service is equally bad. I've actually ordered from him twice!!! First time, took about three months and another 4 months to fix a problem, but he eventually got around to me. Hold tight for awhile longer.
Hurry Up and Wait

Fully aware of the oft repeated complaints heard from many people, I still went ahead and ordered a Silverbullet and control arm anyway knowing I was probably in for a loooong wait. I figured the goods would be received well before the plane is ready to fly and sure enough, with absolutely no feedback and months later the high quality products were eventually delivered. Unlike most vendors, Rivethead will test your patience to the max but you probably know by now that building an airplane is a monumental test of patience anyway. :)