Mike D

Well Known Member
I have debated many times the path to get flying an RV. I do love to build but with so many deals showing up it is hard to justify building. So I am hoping to start the road to buying a flying RV. (Looking for an RV4 or 6A as they seem the most affordable) RV7A is my dream but a little out of reach for now.

It seems like just yesterday that I was flying, but looking at my log book it shows I have not flown in 10 years. I have been working on re-engineering my life to make RV ownership part of my life for the last 6-years.

So, I have several questions to the Houston area pilots:
Is there a flight instructor you recommend who can help me get back into the air and get a tail wheel endorsement? Aerobatics? Preferably in north Houston.

Are there any hangars available in the area (preferably north Houston) for when I do find a plane?

What are your thoughts on tie downs instead of a hangar with regards to an RV? (hot, humid, bugs, hurricanes, and cost)

Any advice for getting back into the air and buying/owning and RV?

And, should I even try to fly now or should I save every cent and buy/build?

Thanks in advance!
I can't speak much for the north side of Houston, but if you want to combine getting a tailwheel endorsement and aerobatic training, Harvey-Rihn is at LaPorte. I also hear that Bruce Bohanon is doing some teaching in his Legend Cub down at his place near Angleton - that'd be worth the drive!

Hangar space? Check out local bulletin boards - there are always hangars under construction, but generally, everything usable is full. But there always appears to be significant turnover, so it's not hopeless. I would definitely hangar an RV in this climate!

Watch the forums for the monthly announcement of the Houston RV Builders Group - generally the 3rd Saturday of the month, at a restaurant near an airport - good chance to met other RV'ers!

Houston hangars and instruction

Wiley Brown at Weiser has been doing tailwheel and primary instruction in his beautiful 2005 Decathelon. I've flown a few hours with him and he's a good instructor. He also does aerobatic and upset training. I'll PM his phone number to you.

Hangars aren't that difficult to find, just expensive. Hooks usually has tee hangars available, and Jones often does as well. When I moved to Houston, I first rented a covered tie-down at West Houston, put my name on the Hooks list and then just nosed around until something came up. Eventually, a space in a community hangar at Hooks opened up.

I can't imagine keeping an RV (or any other plane, for that matter) on a tie-down permanently. You've got to at least have a roof. Take a walk around the tie-down area of any airport to see the damage sun exposure does -- you wouldn't want to do that to an RV. I hated the time I spent on a tiedown. It's a big production to strip all the protection off the plane to get it ready to fly and put it back on afterwards. The worst is not having a place to work on the plane. It never fails there's a 30 knot wind blowing on the day you need to open the cowl.

You can buy an RV a lot cheaper than you can build one. Unless you want the experience of building, buy it. If you want to build, don't waste your money renting until you're about ready to fly. Get an inspection before buying. Dennis McCright at Conroe does inpections.

You oughta start by joining an EAA chapter. Mine meets at Sport Fliers and West Houston the third Thursday at 7:00 pm (check the web site for location: www.eaa774.org). But if you're on the North side, check out 302 at Conroe (www.eaa302.org). They meet on the second Saturday at 10:00a.
Hey Mike,

What part of the northside do you live in? I'm in Kingwood.

Dennis McCright does tail wheen training at Lonestar (Conroe). I can get you his contact info tomorrow if you'd like it.

Send me a PM and I'll get you my cell number.

Wow!. Thanks for the great replies.
I live near 249 and Louetta, so anything near there would be great.
I checked with Cecil Weiser a few months back, but he doesn?t have any hangars available.

If there was an instructor out of Weiser that would be the best. It is about an hour drive for me to go to Harvey-Rhin or Texas Tail draggers but it is worth it if the instruction is good.

I am an EAA member and would love to join a group in the Houston area. Hope I can drop by soon.

I love to build and I will most likely build even if I buy and RV. The hardest thing for me would be to resist the temptation to customize every part. So it might be good to buy first and find out what I like and don?t like before I build.
I flew with Joy that owns Texas Tail Draggers back in 1979 when she was at Sugarland. She was one of the best instructors I had when I was working on my Private. Having said that, I went to Harvey-Rihn in LaPorte for my tailwheel sign off. I would use either one again for instruction if I was still in the area.
When I had my RV4 in the Houston area, I was able to rent space in a private hangar at Sport Flyers (27XS) in Brookshire. 7 years ago it was an easy drive straight out FM529 from the 290/1960 area. I found my hangar space by driving out there and looking around. Good luck in your hunt.

RV4 sold
PA-18 replica under construction

You're at 249 and Louetta? That's a mere 6-7 miles from Hooks Airport (DWH) where there are almost always hangars available. T hangars are renting for $325/mo. You might do better in a community hangar.... and there are RV's everywhere on the field. There are numerous flight schools on the field but no one doing tailwheel training that I know of.

Good luck!
Thanks everyone!!! Looks like I am starting on Monday with Wiley Brown. He does have a very nice 2005 Decathelon with a garmin530. He is close, does instrument, upset, and tailwheel and is a relaxed and nice guy. Seems like the instructor for me.

Now to keep a balance between flying and saving for my own plane.:)
Tail Wheel

can some one give me willy browns number for tail wheel training.

Mike Mitchell
B-55 Baron
RV want a be
Harvey & Rihn

It is about an hour drive for me to go to Harvey-Rhin or Texas Tail draggers but it is worth it if the instruction is good.

You'll get excellent tailwheel instruction at Harvey & Rihn, and you can even throw in some upside down stuff as well!

I think it's well worth the long drive, but then again I'm biased because I used to work there...
Hey Geoff.....it's a small world! I was looking through my log book the other day, and you signed my TD endorsement at H & R back on June 11, 1992, and my flight review on June 16th. We were flying the citabria....1ZZ.
17 years and 10K hours later..

Hey Geoff.....it's a small world! I was looking through my log book the other day, and you signed my TD endorsement at H & R back on June 11, 1992, and my flight review on June 16th. We were flying the citabria....1ZZ.

Well hi there.. I show two flights for a total of 2.2 hours and 25 landings. You must have been really good! :)

I think they still have that plane there, but it must have gone through at least a few different paint schemes over the years. It also looks like the hourly rate has just about doubled...

Take care.
Tailwheel instruction in houston

You get the instruction and I will sell you my RV4. It's reasonably priced, not fancy but priced right. Day time 618-528-3447 -- Nighttime 618-997-4024
Hey Geoff.....it's a small world! I was looking through my log book the other day, and you signed my TD endorsement at H & R back on June 11, 1992, and my flight review on June 16th. We were flying the citabria....1ZZ.

Long time lurker...but had to post here. My first solo was in N1ZZ. (We always pronounced the name as "nizz"...)

Fond memories..just back finishing my license now, about 10 years later. The Citabria at H&R is a different plane though...1ZZ...isn't around anymore.

Also, +1 for recommending H&R for tailwheel or aerobatics. My Pitts time there is what got me hooked on flying the first place. Debbie is an amazing woman worth just talking to (http://harveyrihn.com/debby_rihn_national_aerobatic_unlimited_champion.html) too.

Cheers! -Rick