
Just wanted to give Jan Bussell a little advertisement on the forums although hes so busy I doubt he needs it. Flew with him for a couple days last week for my tailwheel endorsement and really cant say enough about the whole experience. Jans a great instructor, calm, easy going, and helps you to learn quickly. Flying an RV that performs like a P-51 compared to my Cessna for two days wasnt bad either. Awesome!! :D Gives me some real incentive to get our -6 flying.
Getting close, maybe 1st of October....
I agree! Jan is the man for RV tailwheel endorsements in the Southeast! He also has an "A" model for those with the wheel on the other end.

He really is a great instructor!

Also, he occassionally gets his plane up to KMOR where I am based.
Congratulations, Bill.......

....if you think a 4 cylinder RV is fast, your Super 6 will amaze you....I know, since I rode in Bob Mills' Super -6 last year!

i second, third, and fourth that. I had Jan do my tail wheel endorsement in Jan. First class instruction.
Steve Heaton