Howdy folks:

I have zero tailwheel or RV experience--but I'm thinking about buying one anyway. Logical--I know.

Should I work on my tailwheel first and then do transition training?

Also, can you suggest a tailwheel instructor near Greensboro, NC?

What about a local instructor for RV transition training?

How would y'all go about it?

Any guidance would be greatly appreciated!

Tailwheel training is important and can be fun.

I got mine in a Decathlon at KVUJ in Albemarle, NC at Pressley Aviation, they did transition training in my Hatz Biplane as well.

I’m in the same boat, need a TW endorsement. I just found out about a guy at sky harbor. I’ve not started with him yet but I will pm you his info.

AirHarbor not SkyHarbor
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I was in the same situation as you a year ago (although I had 1.2 hours of tailwheel time). I went to FL and spent a few days with Jan in his RV6 and did the tailwheel endorsement and insurance mandated transition training at the same time. Great guy and great experience.

Howdy folks:

I have zero tailwheel or RV experience--but I'm thinking about buying one anyway. Logical--I know.

Should I work on my tailwheel first and then do transition training?

Also, can you suggest a tailwheel instructor near Greensboro, NC?

What about a local instructor for RV transition training?

How would y'all go about it?

Any guidance would be greatly appreciated!

I was in the same situation as you a year ago (although I had 1.2 hours of tailwheel time). I went to FL and spent a few days with Jan in his RV6 and did the tailwheel endorsement and insurance mandated transition training at the same time. Great guy and great experience.

Thank Koosh:

I'm new here--who's Jan? How long was the training? I'm interested.


Jan and or Mikey Mathews

Jan recently did TW training for a friend of mine who purchased a -4 here at 8A7. Zero time tail wheel and RV pilot to flying his -4 in short order. Also, Mikey Mathews at Lake Norman is a local favorite who has helped many in the area. If the plane you get has dual controls I would reach out to Mikey. Both guys get 2 thumbs up.