
Active Member
Yes indeed.. the RV6 was sitting there, minding it's own business.. when all of the sudden, it got sideswiped.

I'm sure there may be a few that will imply pilot technique played a part in it.
All I know is that the accident desciption was "Left side of aircraft was run over by a passenger vehicle.".. Maybe a pilot was driving the passenger vehicle and failed to perform a 360 to check for any traffic" :rolleyes:

Anyway, I'd love to hear the story behind this one.
(ntsb search came back zip)

Have a great day..
Looks like someone could get a good deal on a repairable RV6. That's the way it looks from the pictures anyway.

Bidding closes July 6.
Hey, we could start a new thread....

Nosewheel packing tipup -A model flips over while running LOP. :eek:

This thread would quickly collect the most number of posts ever. :p

kentb said:
Nosewheel packing tipup -A model flips over while running LOP. :eek:

This thread would quickly collect the most number of posts ever. :p

Yeah... but was it primed? ;)
Brainstorm: Doug should setup another section of the forum for stuff like this. Then, everytime someone purchases a product (primer, avionics master switch, etc...) because of a post, the poster gets a discount from the supplier.

The VAF section would be called "Neverending Rebates".

*rimshot* :D

:::looking around at pile of papers on desk::: There must be some work around here for me to do....
I notice that the hulk's location is "Quality Aircraft".

Some poor buyer's going to need a rudder wedge for yaw trim.

John Siebold
Boise (we find this sort of thing in tall trees), ID
I'll Play

How the heck was it run over? Must of been a celebutard... I'm guessing it was some sort of jacked up truck? I still dont know how you miss a yellow and red airplane... "never underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups"
Quite a few years back, one of our nation's astronauts was driving a beautiful rented Warrior down the parallel taxiway at a local airport. He saw a car coming the other way, and figured it was the airport rent-a-wreck, so he pulled all the way over to his right. The car kept coming! He edged a little farther over, but the taxiway was a wing-span wide, and he had no place else to go. The car kept coming, and coming, and....WHAMM! It hit and sheared the left wing off at the root! The Warrior settled to the ground and the prop hit the pavement.....

The car stopped, and the two 85+ year old ladies in the front seat pile out, with the local newspaper relating the quote from one to the other "Mable, I TOLD you that this wasn't the road to the shoe store!"

Sometimes, stuff just happens, and all you can do is try and get out of the way...and sometimes, you can't.

(No astronaut was hurt in the telling o this story, and in fact, he went on to fly a great mission, retire, and take part in a famous reality TV show....)


I bet said astronaut still hasn't lived it down....:)

Oh BTW...Having watched Appollo 13 for the umpteenth time I now know...

1) What Gimle lock is
2) Why the flight controls were reversed when they did the manual burn in Aquarius.


Frank 7a
An acquaintence of mine suffered the loss of his T-33 while it was "safely" tied down on the ramp a few years ago. An airport fire truck, speeding across the ramp in thick fog at 50+ MPH, slammed into the tip tank of his all-white airplane, ripping the wing off and spinning the airplane around nearly 180 degrees. Ouch. :eek:

Like Paul said, sometimes stuff just happens. And sometimes, really crazy, stupid stuff happens.

Before each flight, one of my early mentors used to say, "Let's stay off tomorrow's front page."
Ex wife......

I heard a tale about an ex-wife destroynig her ex's airplane with an axe :eek: Multiple holes in the wings and fuselage. However, this is a Federal offense and the scorned wife could......nah.
Picture's worth a 1000 words

Here's the pic of said "urban myth". Mythbusters did a story on this being the result of a "disgruntled wife." Turns out that was not the case, but rather the result of someone hand-propping his light single, and it getting away from him before he could stop it.

Here are the fact !!!

Curiousity got the best of me so, I decided to track down the owner of the RV6 and get the facts.
I called the owner (Mr. Shuman, in Maryland) and he gave me the story.
He was visiting his Brother-in Law (and sister) and had tied down his plane locally. An elderly lady (driving a big Buick) came to a deadheaded road, and from what they suspected, accidently hit the accelerator rather than the brake. The Buick lunged forward across the road, through a barb-wire fence, and through a tree line into the ramp area where the unsuspecting taildragger was tied down. The Buick hit the tail section and then crushed the wing (causing the gear to buckle).
Mr. Shuman has since purchased a RV6A and I had to ask the burning question. "Do you like a nosegear better than the taildragger?"
He responded, I like the taildragger as it handles the short'n'rough strips better but, the 'A' does fine for my purpose". Plus, it was a more local purchase, which was nice.

For some reason, as he described the accident, I envisioned the woman from the commercial a few years back.. "Where's the beef?"
The short woman that drove the HUGE car (looking -through- the steering wheel driving to the fast food place)..
I can see her now.. "Where's the RV?".. as she rolls into the ramp area..

Anyway, I thought I'd share the facts as I understood them from Mr. Shuman and leave you with one take-away..
Beware of Buicks !!! ;)
'Shark' attack

Back in the 70's out in Denver a Purple P-51 taxiing up to the hanger did a similar number on a new Mooney. It taxied up from directly behind and kept chopping slices out of the fuselage until its gear stopped at the Mooney trailing edge of the wing. This basically produced a 'convertible' Mooney.

A smart alec grabbed some paint and carefully lettered 'Jaws' on the P-51.
Common Thread?

SO, the common thread here is to watch out for little old ladies driving big Buicks.....maybe the TSA screening all of our grandmothers as if they are all terror suspects isn't so loonie after all? :p

Maybe it's an organization....Grannies Against General Aviation..... :D