
Well Known Member
Did anyone get any good pics of the taildragger at Oshkosh? I saw the ones from Kitplanes flying, but I was looking for some by the booth. Thanks.
I remember a post, Paul Dye maybe, early that showed a picture of the TG 14 at the booth, I will look some more.

Added: I searched for RV14 Images on VAF and only two pictures posted. Funny, though, Tom Martin had some about making foam ribs, but there was a picture of an attractive young woman in a bikini in the search, clicked on it to see why it was on VAF and it became something else, a picture of the foam sanding jig. Odd, imbedded in tiny url somehow?
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Did anyone get any good pics of the taildragger at Oshkosh? I saw the ones from Kitplanes flying, but I was looking for some by the booth. Thanks.

Is this my daughter posting (the very non-specific question with many possible answers)?? ;) ;)
When I walked up to the -14 some guy, with wife in tow started talking, very loudly, to his wife that this was the RV-14A and that HE was going to build an RV-14, which is the model with the nose wheel and that the RV-14 was much safer than the RV-14A and that was why he was buying & building the -14. He went on to say that he was going to order the kit this fall.

My only thought was, I sure hope he figures out what the "A" means and that he orders the correct kit. (Since he shouldered me out of the way trying to get a look at the cockpit, I didn't feel it was my place to correct him.)
Well, he did post the question in the model specific forum for the RV 14----------you did notice that, didnt you??

No, and I probably should not have to work that hard to figure it out. "Did anyone get any pictures of the RV-14 taildragger?" would probably have done it. And no, I was not the only one confused, just the only one with the cajones to ask. And there's an apostrophe in "didn't" in case you didn't notice.

End of flame war. I surrender.
I love living in a world where everything is always someone else's fault :rolleyes:

Actually, I think if people looked at what forum a post is in before they respond. it would resolve a lot of confusion... (this goes for me also.... I have made the same mistake myself)

I.E., when someone posts in the RV-12 forum about their engine and then there are a bunch of replies that would only be valid in the context of a Lycoming and it gets very confusing (RV-12's don't have lycomings on them, if you didn't know).
I don't think it should be necessary for an RV-12 owner to specifically say "the Rotax 912 on my RV-12"... for the most part that is what they all have.

Am I the only one that thinks this way?
Am I the only one that thinks this way?

Nope, I'm with you 100%!

Although, I learned when building my -9 that when I asked a question specific to the taildragger, I learned to make it very clear I was not building a -9A and would post most taildragger related questions in the RV-7 section.
This thread makes me wish Van had never started making the kits easier to build. Then no one would have time for this.

No, and I probably should not have to work that hard to figure it out. "Did anyone get any pictures of the RV-14 taildragger?" would probably have done it. And no, I was not the only one confused, just the only one with the cajones to ask. And there's an apostrophe in "didn't" in case you didn't notice.

End of flame war. I surrender.

Sorry, seemed redundant to me. Posting in the model specific 14 and having made multiple posts about the 14 taildragger, I didn't think it was necessary. Sorry it upset you so much.

Thanks Scott for defending the post. Of course there is no reason to be insulting on this platform.
RV-14 Pictures

Did anyone get any good pics of the taildragger at Oshkosh? I saw the ones from Kitplanes flying, but I was looking for some by the booth. Thanks.

Hi Stoney,

I took a demo ride in the -14A and also spent a lot of time looking at and taking pictures of the -14 taildragger up at OSH. Not sure if you're looking for a nice picture of the whole airplane or up close details...most of mine are the latter. Anyway I uploaded them to shutterfly, you can check them out here:


Hope this helps,
I took this photo on the first Sunday before the show opened.
Thanks for posting your photos Mark, they were great. Good to see close up photos of the RV 14 when in process of building. Interesting they have been playing around with wedges on the rudder !!
Great motivation thanks.
Thanks for the pictures!


The pictures are very helpful! It's nice to see some of the details of the build. I'm sure I'll be referring back to them.

Sorry, seemed redundant to me. Posting in the model specific 14 and having made multiple posts about the 14 taildragger, I didn't think it was necessary. Sorry it upset you so much.

Thanks Scott for defending the post. Of course there is no reason to be insulting on this platform.

I don't know what the issue is - I got it immediately.

I was taught that when IFR and ATC gives me a new squawk, just to key it in, it will change on his screen as confirmation. Eliminate redundant communications. Stoney did just that, the context was perfect. "Just the facts Mam"

But, I do have to admit to having been confused about what plane others were talking about as the posted forum is not something that jumps out from the post. I learned everything needed was quickly available. I am going to have a lot of fun learning to fly (again) with an EFIS and all it's information.


"Everything is someone else fault" is part of the transformation of Amerika.
[ see the clever use of blaming to deflect blame]
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Hi Stoney,

I took a demo ride in the -14A and also spent a lot of time looking at and taking pictures of the -14 taildragger up at OSH. Not sure if you're looking for a nice picture of the whole airplane or up close details...most of mine are the latter. Anyway I uploaded them to shutterfly, you can check them out here:


Hope this helps,

Wow, those are great. Thanks for posting the link.
RV-14 Stick Grips

I love the stick grips on the taildragger. Does anyone know where those came from?
Hi Stoney,

I took a demo ride in the -14A and also spent a lot of time looking at and taking pictures of the -14 taildragger up at OSH. Not sure if you're looking for a nice picture of the whole airplane or up close details...most of mine are the latter. Anyway I uploaded them to shutterfly, you can check them out here:


Hope this helps,

Outstanding pictures! Is that the ADSB blade under the aft fuse? That is a long run. Any comments about why it is so far back? I like the blade!
Hi Stoney,

I took a demo ride in the -14A and also spent a lot of time looking at and taking pictures of the -14 taildragger up at OSH. Not sure if you're looking for a nice picture of the whole airplane or up close details...most of mine are the latter. Anyway I uploaded them to shutterfly, you can check them out here:


Hope this helps,

Mark - First of all thanks for sharing these great detailed pictures!! Second - Do you (or anyone else for that matter) know what landing light set up that is in photo number 19?
Outstanding pictures! Is that the ADSB blade under the aft fuse? That is a long run. Any comments about why it is so far back? I like the blade!

Yes, that is where they have it. The UAT Antenna wiring comes with the empennage kit and runs up the middle.
Sorry it upset you so much.

The original posting did not upset me at all. I was confused and asked a polite and simple question that could have been politely and simply answered without all the BS. I was at Oshkosh for 4 days, took a lot of pictures and thought maybe I had something to share if only I knew what the subject was! My bad!

I'll look at the forum title from now on.
RV-14 Pictures


A sincere thanks for posting your photos. I'm sure I will be checking them out dozens of times over the next several months whenever I have a "how in the heck did they do that??" moment. For the tail dragger builders who could not attend these are priceless! Thanks again, James

I love the stick grips on the taildragger. Does anyone know where those came from?

Which taildragger? Can you be more specific? Gosh. JK, sorry i couldn't resist. If you look really close it looks like they have the 14 logo engraved into the bottom of the pilot's stick. I'll bet Van's will sell you a set.
Mark - First of all thanks for sharing these great detailed pictures!! Second - Do you (or anyone else for that matter) know what landing light set up that is in photo number 19?


I asked Vans the same question about the landing lights. Here's the response:

The landing light options you saw at the show were both Aero LEDs ,
they varried on either wing mostly to show some of the various
options. The two small rectangular units, sun beam and micro sun,
have different focal lengths, and are aimed down for taildragger
taxi, but would also make a good landing light solution. The other
wing had a Aero LEDs Sun Beam (round light) also a good Landing
Light Option. Other options for landing lights are forthcoming, but the
plans for those have been on somewhat of a back burner while we get
the powerplant kit out the door.​