
Well Known Member
I started rivetting up the lower tailcone skins, and in my enthusiasm I rivetted the frames up as well. Then after carefully reviewing the plans,I realised that Vans tells us to rivet skin to skin then seem to tell us to rivet to the frames in the final step.
Have I done bad? It seemed to me that by using a progressive pattern down the ribs then along the skins I could ensure a very neat fit on each rib by applying pressure on the rib from behind whilst setting the rivet.
The skins conform nicely both to one another and to the frames. Have I set a booby trap for myself, or should I carry on using my "newly developed"technique.
Hey Dave - -

It would seem you could create a bigger problem by trying to take them out. If things look ok, might be a good time to continue, but follow the instructions from that point :D

John Bender