
Active Member
Gooday Folks,
I would like to provide backup power to a TailbeaconX ADSB. I have the AV20E and the Tailbeacon powered via the same terminal block. My concern is that adding a BU battery feed from the IBBS system to the same terminal block could cause some issues:

1. Whats to stop the power from being sourced from the IBBS in normal operations?
2. Would a Diode be enough to prevent the regular power feed from the VP-X to the terminal block from interfering with the IBBS feed?

My logic here is that if the I ever have to rely on the IBBS system it wouldnt support a radio for more than 30 seconds so why not just sqawk 7700 and put down somewhere as quickly as possible.

Is there anyway to accomplish this?

Thanks much,
I think you mean to squawk 7600 for radio failure.
If you use 7700 which is meant for emergency, you will probably get more attention than you want…
True, although if I'm on backup power with no radio in IFR I wouldnt want to follow the full procedure to get to the destination as I may run out of backup power so I would SQUAWK7700 and land at the nearest field. The controller would be aware of the emergency although unable to contact me. Regardless this still doesn't answer the question regarding if this possible or not.
If you squawk 7700, police and firetrucks might meet you when you land.
Why not squawk 7600 in case of radio failure so that ATC will know exactly what the problem is.
This THREAD might answer your question about the backup battery.

Your question is a solution to, what I take, is an undefined problem.

I suggest you start with your requirements for IFR flight - as in what needs power and for how long. From there overlay probable (but single) failures that you find to be at unacceptable risk. For example would power adequate for an hour to carry one EFIS (and associated GPS), one Comm, and diode protected power to the single XPDR meet your minimum backup mode for continued IFR?

Once this is done, you have a basis for your electrical power design.

I also suggest you look at designs with two identical ship batteries as a thoughtful approach to meet your needs without the now typical plethora of backup batteries.

If you squawk 7700, police and firetrucks might meet you when you land.
Why not squawk 7600 in case of radio failure so that ATC will know exactly what the problem is.
This THREAD might answer your question about the backup battery.

I hear you, however, my concern here is that the expectation would be for me to:

Continue on my Assigned/Vectored/Expected or Filed route. Should the failure occur early on in the flight I wouldn't want to have to keep going on a multiple hour route with a 1 hour backup battery (other than the G5 backup). My preference in this scenario is to get on the ground ASAP and not continue on route as planned. I may be missing something here but would be interested to here an ATC thoughts on this.

All the best,
In hindsight I have to decided to just buy a handheld radio when flying as a backup. In a pinch I could use the GMA245 and my cellphone (assuming I have reception).

Thanks again all for the feedback.