
Well Known Member
Hi ....I have a tailbeacon X that I intend to install on RV4. Of course tailbeacon X replaces the existing strobe and weights just a fraction more .... however when I weigh the old bottom fairing and old beacon as opposed to new fairing and Tailbeacon X they are within an ounce ( very hard to tell on anologue postal scale,but very close ) with tailbeacon X being the heavier .
Wondering about concerns of flutter ? Any thoughts ? Thanks stew
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3 & 4 rudders are not counter balanced so an ounce difference at the tail lamp is insignificant. Now, having a rudder that weighs 1/2 lb less and built stronger can only be a good thing.
Flutter? If you fly it within design limitations, shouldn't be an issue.
You should calculate the new installation/rudder weight into your W&B, good things there too!
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My RV-6 has about the same rudder, non-counterbalanced. No concerns about flutter with the installation of the TailBeaconX. It weighs the same as the wiring harness, steel body, and glass (!) dome on the Whelen light I removed.