
Well Known Member
Hello All

I started the installation of a Tailbeacon-X in the wingtip of my RV-4 and I would like to get your advise regarding my wiring routing.

Is there a potential problem in routing all the wiring (strobe, Nav Lights and the Tailbeacon-X ) in the same conduit??

Am I better off separating the Tailbeacon-X wiring from the rest to avoid interference from the strobe even if using shielded wiring ??

Trying to make the install as easy as possible


[email protected]
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It depends ... Running nav light & TBX cables together is no problem. There may be a problem with running the TBX cable next to the strobe cable. What type of strobe do you have (conventional or LED)? How good is your shield grounding? You may have no problems, easy to turn strobe off and determine if that is the antagonist. The TBX comms cable is quite long so may be susceptible if it runs beside a conventional strobe cable, an LED strobe may be much easier to live with.

Hi Penguin

My thoughts exactly. My plan was/is to install a long plastic tube in the wing and run all cables thru it but I may have to install two instead.

I also need to look inside the wing and see where I can secure them inside a completed wing., I will do that tomorrow.

I have the conventional Whelen Strobe.They have been really quite even if I had mices eating just about all the insulation around the cables ( One more reason to replace the wiring )

I'll plan on two wiring run separating the strobe wire from the others and I'll be using shielded wiring just to be on the safe and quiet side of things so that I don't need to re-do it later on..

Thank you for your imputs, much appreciated.
