
General question for tailwheel RVs. Did anyone leave an access hole to get to the one bolt attaching the tailwheel spring to the tailwheel spring mount? Currently I have no access to the bolt holding the two together. Part numbers WD-409 (RV9) and the tail wheel spiring. DWG 27 on the -7 and -9
On my RV-3B, I made the aft deck removable, and followed the plans by putting an access hole in the aftmost belly skin for the nut.

My RV-6 drawings call out a 1" hole for access which can be plugged by a push-in cap. I drilled mine barely big enough to get a socket on the nut and left the cap off. The nut on mine is almost flush with the bottom closeout so cap really not needed.

Emp fus attach.jpg