
Well Known Member
I'm probably missing something obvious, but...

I'm just about done with the assembly of the center question of my 9A.

As you know at this point the directions get fairly sparse.

There are two rows of rivets that attach the center section to the tail cone. Only the first row is pre-drilled on the tail cone.

It seems obvious(?) to me that I need to drill the second row before I take everything apart for cleaning, but I can't find any reference to that in the instructions. What am I missing?


Trying my best to recall but it seems I waited until the end of the forward section to drill those, since the side skins have the same double row where only one row is pre drilled. Then when I took apart the forward section I did the debur and dimple of those holes. Hope that makes sense.

I don't believe your missing anything Dan. I believe it's one of those small things they asssume you will do. I drilled mine sometime after getting everything fitted up.

That is what I figured, pretty sure it had to be done before you take it apart, but wanted to ask first just to make sure.

This is getting exciting. I have things that look like airplane parts now :).

I just did the same thing, was one of the final steps I did before taking it apart again to prepare for riveting. If you're in the priming camp, don't forget to mark and prime the area of the tailcone skin that will be overlapped by the center section skins.
